Still a Little Bothered

Jul 19, 2013 20:15

Am in Maine, at my campsite using the campground's free wireless. What a world with such wonders in it.

The arm wound turned out not to be a laceration, but a flaying. The good news, no stitches. The bad news, no skin for a couple o'weeks. It is well bandaged*, and when I went hiking today I covered the whole thing with an ace bandage, too. Took an hour and a half to do this, most of it involving me listening in as the doctor was trying to remove the tips of the poor guy in the next examining room's hearing aids, which turned out to be well and truly stuck. He eventually had to be sent to a real ER**.

* I told the nurse I was going camping, so she wrapped me up with gauze and gave me some extra gauze and dressings.

** Word to the wise - don't have your hearing aid fitted by the students at the URI Audiology Department...

It is way cooler here than in Rhody, so I am happy. Even the thundershower last night didn't cause any problems once I got the tarp up over the tent. Expecting more thundershowers tomorrow, but followed by an actual cold front, so even better.

health, vacation

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