Last time, Kes and Yerban grew up and left the house to join Lerit in college. Kes was voted as heir in the poll, closely followed by Yerban (thank you for voting!). I decided to do the 'point five' challenge for this generation, so we have double heirs with Yerban as the 'point five'.
Objectives for Kes:
-reach top of business career
-max charisma skill
-get married, woohoo, have at least 1 kid (not necessarily in that order)
Optional for Kes:
-become enemies with your parents before entering your career
-make over $50,000
-marry a coworker
Objectives for Yerban:
-reach top of journalism career
-get married, woohoo, have kids
-max creativity
Optional for Yerban:
-become enemies with parents
-marry a coworker
-max enthusiasm in film and literature
Let's get started. (Some of the pics ended up weird with lighting - please ignore).
This is the dorm with 8 rooms.
Meet the dormies!
Aidan by
racetrackd, doing his sexy stare:
Rylan, by
astro_cake, who was gone in his room most of the time:
Kate by
simchester - related to my sim Elm:
Laraine by
And last but certainly not least: Johanna by
kizzy_sims Seems like serious dormies.
I made Kes pick Economics because of her assignment to reach the top of the business career. She's a fortune/knowledge sim, so she didn't mind.
I made Yerban pick art, fitting the journalism career, and with a LTW to max out 7 skills, he’s happy with just about everything to learn.
I gave Lerit the economics major as well (fortune/family). In the meantime, Johanna doesn't realize he's gay.
Hello 2 meager neat points!
Yes, this is very attractive, Kes.
It didn't seem to bother Aidan, because both Kes, Kate and I totally caught him heartfarting over our girl. Could this be?!
I checked their chemistry and they have 2 bolts! Kes being Kes, she suggested to skip formalities and just get on with it.
Aidan took it under consideration....
... but she ended up alone with this creep in her room.
Lerit came to the rescue. He decided to share a bed with his sister even though she's happily stinking away.
They're all one big happy family of BFF's.
Yerban is such a cute nerd. *loves*
Maxing out creativity first.
What do we have here?
Aha! Kes hunting her prey for a spouse.
Kes: How can he refuse? I'm awesome, right?
Aidan agreed. First kiss!
Wait... what?
Thank you, ACR.
This is Aidain's ’I just got laid’ HAPPY face.
It must be true love if they both don't care about each other's stink.
Johanna: *stalks*
Kate and Laraine: *oblivious to all the love/drama in the house*
Someone's jealous of young love....
... yeah... IDK how this happened either... *lol*
Yerban is so awesome, the hula-streaker didn’t even get attention.
ACR kept Kes and Aidan busy. Kes did this after they both left the booth again.
Seriously. That’s just TMI, Kes.
I decided to find Yerban a spouse as well. He likes logic and blondes (insert joke here). I made him talk to Kate but they ended up having negative chemistry.
Off to a community lot then.
He bought a thumb ring, trying to be cool and such…
...and then he met the lovely Clue by
Clue liked him.
She even let him giving her a backrub.
How can this NOT work out?
They turned out to have two bolts too. :D
Some dancing...
... more dancing...
...a hug...
...and it’s time for the first kiss.
Yerban: This? This is... a work of art.
He decided to examine a bit more, thanks to ACR.
Clue: Can I keep him? :D
Yerban: Bye everyone!
Everyone: *impressed*
Clue left after Yerban and instantly they all hated her. Jealous much?!
Johanna: *stalks*
Lerit: *bored and lonely and still not into girls*
And possessed?! o_0
I felt sorry for him and so I called the matchmaker.
Lerit: I want someone special to share my life with!
And so Madden by
alfredaskew hits the concrete.
Me: *squee!*
Matchmaker: Honey, meet Madden.
Madden: Huh?
Lerit approves while Madden still suffers from the fall.
Madden: So... what are your thoughts about woohoo?
Lerit: I can totally see myself woohooing...
Madden: *plus*
Lerit: ... with you.
Madden: *runs*
Me: WTF?! :(
So then I decided to check ACR settings for gay and bi in the 'hood, and found out that Lerit was the only gay and no one was bi. *facepalm* I changed the settings and ran the randomizer again.
Meanwhile, the kids rock due to rolling college related wants.
By then every walk-by guy got an invitation to meet Lerit. This is Richie by
They meet...
... and have two bolts! Finally!
Johanna: Hoobie noobie!
Richie: So, have you heard? There's a whole world outside this lot. It's called The Sims 3.
Johanna: Tsssss!
Richie: It's like, everyone is there, living their lives at the same time.
Johanna: *heartfarts*
Richie: But anyway, creepy stalker chick aside, you're pretty okay, dude.
Richie = keeper because that makes that all the kids have found someone with boots to be the one. *g*
Lerit: Well, you're not so bad yourself.
And then they do the college cheer. :/
Ever wanted to peek into the guy's bathroom? Their skins match the tiles.
ACR kicked in again and Kes and Aidan decided to try the bed this time...
... and then I hear the CHIMES! O_O
Kes: What?! Don’t look at me like that. I got oopsed and now I'm hungry!
Me: *sighs*
Lerit wanted a robot station, so I bought him one.
Kes wanted a toy station, so I bought her one.
Cheerleader: Voooooo Gerbits!
Kes: Zzzzzzz.
Aidain: I really love her, you know?
Johanna: *ignores*
Kes popped and ended up in glitchy YA-maternity wear.
Because college takes forever and with Kes pregnant, I decided to rush things and play just one year. All three of them have all the skills needed for their majors anyway. I transferred them to their last year.
Like true twins, Kes and Yerban went to their finals in PJ's.
They’re all totally awesome and smart.
Like I said, one happy family of BFF's.
Graduation party happened and Yerban asked Clue to have a committed relationship. This is love, people.
Lerit invited Richie, and after a bit of a rocky start...
... he finally got his first face-eating kiss.
And then Lerit moved fast. No woohoo yet, but he popped the question anyway.
Richie accepted. I'm going to move them in a house together and play them outside the legacy. *loves*
Kes figured she might as well follow her big brother’s example, being heir and pregnant and all.
Aidan said yes, so that's 2 engagements and a committed relationship. College was a success. XD
Lerit and Richie for the last time in public.
And Johanna still doesn't get it.
It’s time to move Kes and Yerban back with Idbas, Olive and the dog Ichabas.
Thank you for reading!