BACC: Loompa Island - McMountain (Y1W3)

Aug 22, 2013 13:45

Welcome to the McMountain update.

A quick recap: Adam is a Family/Popularity sim. Alex is Pleasure/Family. Alex is secretly in love with her friend Remy (2 bolts), but she settled for Adam when Remy went for Oompa. She moved in with Adam and his dog Murdock in week 2 and got pregnant soon enough. She cheated with Remy when Adam was at work (Law career), but Adam didn’t find out so they’re still a ‘happy’ couple.

Adam’s lifetime wish is to marry off 6 children. Since he doesn’t have kids yet he went into aspiration failure the moment I started week 3.

Oh, Adam... Hang in there, buddy. The first one is on its way.

Alex’ One True Hobby is Cuisine. She loves to eat. In fact, that’s pretty much all she does if I let her. That, and play in Murdock’s bath tub.

Baby time!

It’s a boy. Meet Skinner McMountain. (OMG... awesome name!) He’s got Adam’s eyes and hair color.

Adam could smile again.

And even cheer.

Alex, however, seemed rather indifferent.

They have a little toy shop (closed this week because they sold all their items in week 2), so it was time to make new stuff and restock.

Uncle Nate dropped by to meet his nephew. He instantly took care of him by getting a bottle.

Father/Son spam <3

They both had the want to have another baby, and ACR was happy to help.

Adam had to upgrade his logic skill for his job so he went to the Clearing to play chess with Nate.

Random shot of Decartes hitting puberty.

First time the Evil Witch popped up. No one interacted with her.

Teacher Alvaro gave advice on how to make BFF’s.
(I love the Clearing so much. Everyone is always there.)

Male bonding time. Adam and Remy aren’t friends though. It’s like Adam knows something’s up because he’s friends with pretty much everybody else.

Byron with smaller fangs. I like these a lot better.

Adam decided to play with fire a bit, but his feet got burned soon enough.
(I think I’m going to get it replaced with a swing for the kids.)

Alex seemed to realize what a great guy she has. She finally initiated romantic contact again.

Alvaro concentrated on the wonderful smell of Alex’s cooking skills.

It was time for Skinner’s birthday.

There you go. Skinner with better hair.

He’s a cute little fellow. <3

Oh, a burglar. The first one in this BaCC.

He went for Alex’ painting.

Look at him, being all smug.

But not for long. Adam used to wrestle bears and mountain lions, so he fearlessly attacked the guy.

Adam: You picked the wrong house, bub! *snikt!*

Wait... I think I got my heroes mixed up.

Anway, Adam totally kicked his butt.

Damn straight. Go Adam!

I checked his memories and realized he’d been a victim of the Unsavory Charlatan twice already. Since Joy was a victim as well in the previous update, I think this is enough trouble to open a spot in the Law Enforcement career.

Toddler training. Also, look at the rustic furniture and colorful bedding. Adam & Alex in a nutshell.

Skinner’s also got Adam’s nose.

Adam’s a determined potty trainer.

Skinner learned to walk, talk, potty and sing the nursery rhyme.

More money is always welcome.

I made Alex write some articles about her hobby since the shop is closed for now.

And Adam needed to make more toys. His One True Hobby is tinkering so he likes spending time there.

Yep, pregnant alright.

Yep, exhausted alright.

Mudock doesn’t get enough love in this update. He’s still around though. He’s friends with Skinner.

Pleasure sims playing in their pj's/underwear...

Wiggling toddler = birthday!

Look at him, being all cute and happy.
His stats: 6-1-9-4-7, so he's a bit neat, very shy, very active, a bit serious and quite nice.

Precious little guy.

Even more precious when he cleans up all on his own.

He looks a lot like his dad.

But he likes to play chess, just like his uncle.

I didn’t think Alex would give birth in this update, but she proved me wrong.

It’s another boy with Adam’s genetics. He’s called Binet.
(Oompa was there, playing chess with Skinner.)

Then she handed the kid to Adam, because... twins! 0_o

A baby girl called Cattell. She’s got Adam’s genetics as well.

Skinnner was happy to meet his new siblings.

Then I saw this. Ha. Haha. Hahaha. Yeah. No.
(Although I’m going to let ACR run wild so it might be possible.)

And so I end this update with a bigger house, 5 sims and a dog. :)

Current Stats:

Sims: 20 (9 adults, 1 Teen, 6 children, 2 toddlers and 2 babies)
Community lots: 1 (clearing)
Sim Multiplyer: 20 sims x (1) = 20
Founder Career: level 5
Connection mainland: No
Careers open/taken: Politics (Oompa), Law (Adam), Educational (Alvaro), Medical (open), Law Enforcement (open)
Careers unlocked: 0
Home Business: 1 (little toyshop by Adam/Alex)
Physiology learned: Byron, Remy, Hobbes
Fires: 3
Burglaries: 1
Unnatural deaths: 1 (Remy but resurrected)
Alien abductions: 1 (Nate)
Town's Budget: §2392

Next update will be Byron, Joy, Hobbes & Freud. Thank you for reading!

bacc: mcmountain, bacc: loompa island

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