welps, this year is about to end. Seems like we just started school and its already half over. Gah! Now, not that I'm complaining.
Anyways...CHRISTMAS MORNING!!! Man I didn't wanna get up, it didn't feel like Christmas. But it was all good. I guess I was a good girl (; I got the HBK DVD set like my Cena one, money, PSP X2 *squee*, a scarf/hat/glove set from Aunt Jeralyn, smell good bath stuff, candy, PARAMORE TSHIRT ♥, headphones, "military style" hat (dk how to describe it), pineapple lotion from Bath and Body Works (it really smells good). And I think that's about it. So yeah, I had a good Christmas. From what I've heard, ya'll have had a good Christmas too. That's great.
Hmmm...Calleigh had to be in the middle of everything that morning. haha I've got pics, but I'm waaay too lazy to post em. Sorry.
Uhm, have ya'll seen Kevin Thorn lately? I haven't been watching ECW so I might be behind, but he's a different "character". He's been "revamped". haha Before and after pics under the cut cause I'm stupid like that! :P
Truthfully...I like the AFTER waaaaaaaaaaaaay better! But that's just me.
Well I think I'm gonna do that music meme thing Pryce keeps doing, she's passing the bug around! XP And I'm gonna post some of the stuff I've done on my new PSP X2 so far. *squee* I'm so happy. BTW what program do ya'll use? + I need some really cool fonts. I already downloaded Action Jackson, Violation, and Pharmacy.
Well I guess I'm gonna go...
BTW is anybody else happy that Cena was Santa at the Tribute to the Troops?!? It was so awesome. And I'm thinking about going FO, anybody really have a preference?
Oh and Rory can I get the mood theme? I think I want the still one. Thanks!