Nov 12, 2007 21:59

Gah ya'll my back is seriously killin me!!! :/

Nothing happened today, so I have a little 40 secrets thing I got from
ladykatie91  And I filled this thing out last some of em might be a little strange! :P

40 Secrets About You.
Be honest no matter what.

[One] Who was your last 4 texts from?
Prolly all from Greg!! XP

[Two] Where was your default picture taken?
Don’t have a default of me

[Three] What's your middle name?
Noelle :P

[Four] Your current relationship status?

[Five] Does your crush like you back?
Highly doubt it!!

[Six] What is your current mood?
Sleepy and not wanting to go to school XP

[Seven] What's your mom's maiden name?

[Eight] What color shirt are you wearing?

[Nine]What time did you go to bed last night?
Meh…10:30 don’t remember, I was tired

[Ten] If you could go back in time & change something, would you?
Maybe that argument me and Juju had during the summer

[Eleven] Where was the last place out of town, that you went to?
Erm…Cheraw, that barely counts!!

[Twelve] Ever had a near death experience?
Bout walked out in front of a car once, but come on who hasn’t done that?!?!

[Thirteen] Something you do a lot?
Listen to music! XD

[Fourteen] Do you have a fondness for gnomes?
Ummm, no. What kind of question is that?

[Fifteen] Who can you tell anything to?
Mrs.C, or Brittany

[Sixteen] Name someone with the same birthday as you.
Nobody that I know of. I know somebody who got married on my bday

[Seventeen] When was the last time you cried?
Oct 21 at church…I cried when I heard Al was coming back, jk!

[Eighteen] Where are you right now?
At the computer

[Nineteen] If you could have one super power what would it be?
I dk, good question though!

[Twenty] What's the first thing you notice about the opposite/same sex?
opposite: butt!! :P jk personality
same: attitude, if they got a bad one, I don’t wanna talk to em

[Twenty-one] Who is your favorite celebrity train wreck?
don't really care

[Twenty-two] What is a theory that you believe?
Uhhhh, OHH one I came up w/, that The Oldest Sibling is ALWAYS hott!!

[Twenty-three] Favorite color?
Lime green or teal

[Twenty-four] What is one thing that annoys you on TV?

[Twenty-five] do you still like kiddy movies?
Heck to the yeah!! XP

[Twenty-six] What are you eating or drinking at the moment?

[Twenty-seven] Do you speak any other language?
Eh, let me think no!!!

[Twenty-eight] What's your favorite smell?
Air conditioners in cars when they first come on…I think I’m the only person in the world like that!!! XD

[Twenty-nine] Describe your life in one word?
Out-of-control…yes that’s one word!!!

[Thirty] Have any tattoos?
Nope but me and Brittany are talking about getting matching nautical star tatts!

[Thirty-One] What are you looking forward to the most?
Maybe leaving this small town if you can call it that

[Thirty-two] What are you thinking about right now?
The fact that I REALLY need to go to bed

[Thirty-three] What should you be doing?
I should be in bed!!

[Thirty-four] Who was the last person that made you upset/angry?
Haven’t really made anybody angry except Juju during the summer.

[Thirty-five] What are you listening to?
Bullets and Octane-Save Me Sorrow

[Thirty-six] Do you like working in the yard?
not really no

[Thirty-seven] last person you kissed?
Nobody XD

[Thirty-eight] Do you act differently around the person you like?
I don’t think so

[Thirty-nine] What is your natural hair color?
dark brown

[Forty] Why did you cry last time?
I was REALLY mad at Juju at the time, so mad that if I saw him I prolly woulda like attacked him or something.

Welps....RAW is still on and Randy and Shawn are on soo....


shawn, survey, katie, randy, raw

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