Oct 14, 2007 13:12
McBee 6-2..... :( not cool. We've lost every game since they put us on TV. Oh well, we're already in playoffs, all we had to win was 3 games. I hope we'll win against Chesterfield. We're having a blackout...last time somebody did a blackout, they lost!!! :/ oh wells
I'm thinking about going and claiming Randy for icons50. I got plenty of pics of Randy, but I don't have time to do 100 :P
Al is hanging out w/ us more. He actually came to the tree and didn't come for HW, he just came over there. I was like you don't wanna go hang w/ your little peoples? (cause he normally just comes outside to talk to them.) He was like fine, gash, I was having fun over here. He was messing w/ me. He went over there and then came back. I'm like boy you slow!
Courtney Cullen and Ryan Stewart are dating....things that make ya go....BLEH!!!
oh and okay, see Great Falls beat us 25-0, they teams had done highfived and said good game and stuff, and McBee had left, the fans were leaving and Great Falls was like up at the fence talking crap to the people leaving. Everybody blew it off, and there were a couple of people that jumped the fence like they were gonna do something but they didn't. And we were leaving, Jeremy leans out the window of the truck and yells GREAT FALLS SUCKS!!! and then Jut had to stop cause somebody went to pull out, and Jeremy's like NO DON'T STOP DON'T STOP!!! It was funny!!!
Bristow hurt his leg, he's out for a while, and *whoosh* there goes the rest of the season!!! XP
great falls,