omgawsh...I have been like ingnoring this thing. I've been soo busy its not even funny.
we went to see GhostRider last night!! Its awesome. that's why I didn't post yesterday!!! lolz
Mrs. C., I gotta tell you about this dream I had last kinda is freaking me out. lolz
I got a lot of icons from rory_turorgirl's post. They are AWESOME!!!!
I finally asked Juju why Caitlin bites him. Cause he came in the other day in Mrs. Gainey's class holding his hand and saying ow. And I was like what's wrong. He said Caitlin bit him. I asked him to come here. And he came over and sat down next to my desk and I asked him. Why does she bite you?!?! He was like she just does. I said why don't you tell her to stop. He just shrugged. I was like whatever its you, I'd make her stop if it was me.
Nothing is happening really.
Frank's Eagle Ceremony is tomorrow.
We bout get in a wreck yesterday in H-Ville
I guess I'm gonna go. Mrs. C. I'll prolly email you later today.
<3 Shortnesss