Title: Uncovering Secrets
dwtwprompts prompt: Dance
Date Written: 2/22/08
Rating: PG-13/T
Word Count: 414
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto, implied Jack/Rose
Spoilers: Doctor Who Season One's "The Empty Child" and "The Doctor Dances", and after "They Keep Killing Suzie".
Warnings: Mentions of BL/Yaoi, oh so slight Gwen bashing (I really can't help myself, sorry...)
Author's Notes: Second version of this story. I wrote it about a week ago, but I lost it. Thankfully, I remember the rough sketch of it.
Jack Harkness was a man of many secrets. Where he was from, how old he was, what his pre-Torchwood life had been. Even his real name was a mystery; it hadn't taken long for Toshiko to look for him in the Torchwood databases.
Ianto had been lucky enough to find out what some of those secrets were in the past weeks. He still wasn't quite all that sure if he'd been allowed those privileges because he was sleeping with Jack or if the Captain had known that the Welshman could keep a secret. Maybe a little of both.
One of the not-so-surprising secrets turned out to be that Jack could dance exceptionally well. Not club dancing, grinding and sweating against another person (although he was fabulous at that, too), but at the sort of swing and slow dancing that was straight out of WWII. It hadn't been a shock to Ianto at all; Jack had that aura of someone stuck in the past, straight out of the 1920s, and he'd sort of known on some deep down level that Jack would like the sensuality of being close to another person, swaying back and forth to the rhythm of the music.
At first, Ianto had been complete rubbish. He wasn't used to dancing (Lisa had no taste for it), and the whole 'who leads when you're two guys' thing had been a bit confusing. Jack, however, was a patient teacher, and they'd gone slow until he'd picked up the basic steps.
Sometimes, when Jack was in a particular mood, he'd cut off the CCTVs (for maintenance, of course), find the local big band radio station and the two of them would spend hours spinning around the Hub, mostly talking quietly to each other, sometimes laughing when one of them screwed up and trod on the other's toes. Most of the time, they ended up collapsing onto the couch, panting hard from all the exercise. Normally, Jack would look over at Ianto, a silly grin plastered all over his face, and Ianto would always just have to kiss him. They usually made it up to Jack's office, but there were quite a few surfaces around the Hub that they'd broken in (like Gwen's desk. Ianto still grinned inwardly whenever Gwen made cow eyes at Jack from her chair. oh, if only she knew).
Jack never liked to dance to Glen Miller's Moonlight Serenade, though. That was one secret Ianto had yet to discover the answer to.