Congrats everyone!
Thank you for participating and/or voting in the challenge.
The points tally is posted as a comment to the voting post & all entries are unscreened.
Please remember to credit the makers if using any of the challenge icons.
The first place icon will be the
default community userpic until the next challenge.
If you would like an award banner, please comment & request one.
This challenge
luminousdaze will be your banner maker.
Challenge № 96: Winners
First Place
abyss-valkyrie Second Place
abyss-valkyrie Third Place
abyss-valkyrie Best Crop (Tie)
Both by
fueschgast Best Lighting (Tie)
casey_tyler Best Lighting (Tie)
fueschgast No mod's choice was given due to a low number of participants and/or all entrants placing.