(no subject)

Sep 29, 2004 21:15

today mama asked me to go pick up maggie at dance, being there made me realize how much i truly miss it. Dance was my passion, WAS being the key word.I wish everything did not have to be so damn political, but thats american culture for you. Enough on dance, its to depressing.
Anywhoo the rest of my day was rather enjoyable(regardless that my body was running on 4 hours of sleep.) In school i did nothing for a change, but then again thats a life of an "underachiever" as my mother would say. Call it what you wish, but stressing myself out over school work does not quite have a spot on my top 10 to do list. Speaking of a top ten list,i think everyone should have one. I believe that a top 10 list clarifies ones definition of what one stands for as an individual and what one expects out of life. But hey thats just my theory.
Talked to molly today (for a change)and we concluded that amount of non genuine people walking around is absolutely baffling. Its incredible. Note to all boys BE ORIGINAL and BE YOURSELF someone with substance is so much more enjoyable. Really.
The roller coaster ride of our conversations took us to just about every topic possible. However one thing she said really caught my attention.Don't we all deserve our better then a movie kiss? And is a kiss really able to determine where the relationship is going? .... i have my opinion whats yours? However enough of this i must go attend to legal journals.

Quote of the day : spoken by none other then M.M - "my family is like you family NORMAL when we have things to do we do them and when we don't we watch tv" -- guess you had be there
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