Feb 20, 2008 21:40
Now, I want to know I'm not alone in this.
Is anyone else making (or did they make) extensive preparations for watching these two episodes?
I'm working on finding myself a big chunk of time where I can watch both episodes in a row, uninterrupted, and -- most importantly -- where I can cry my eyes out without anyone seeing me XD
I'm also gathering supplies -- candy, chocolate, ice cream, coffee and tea, all my comfort foods, so I can munch while I cry.
This is a big deal to me! And that's...a little sad.
It's hard for me to find a good chunk of time to watch these. I think I'll have to put it off until Friday night. I have work from 5 to 9, but I work in a candy store across from a Starbucks, so I can totally stock up on candy, coffee and chai while I'm there and then come home and just go nuts.
But yeah, did anyone else make major emotional and physical preparations for the heart-wrenchingness that lies ahead?
2x13 doomsday,
2x12 army of ghosts