I know I'm ridiculously early on this, but I had nothing to do tonight and by god, it was Sunday somewhere. Like in England. Where Doctor Who comes from. See my logic?
I really didn't like -- and in fact mocked mercilessly -- these episodes the first and second times I watched them. This comm must be influencing me.
I still am not at all a fan of this arc's concept and execution. I don't even know why, it just doesn't work for me. Maybe it's the fact that you could drive a truck through the science/logic holes. I'm kind of an idiot when it comes to science, but I have issues with the whole "suspension of disbelief" thing. I'm that annoying person in the movie theatre going "Wait, that can't happen."
So why did I like TIP/TSP better this time around? I don't really know. But I would guess it's because I'm taking all the episodes more seriously, mentally taking notes on things I might want to mention in a review here. And my Doctor/Rose shipping has gotten a bit more intense since I last watched them, so I'm taking note of their "moments" -- and they had a lot of them here.
-I have mixed feelings about Rose in this arc. Some of the things she says in TIP come across as, well, kinda dumb. Like, I knew what a black hole was and how it worked in 5th grade. And...I don't know. The way she reacted to the realization that the TARDIS was gone. She just seemed to make light of it, like she didn't understand that it was the ONE thing the Doctor had, and he COULDN'T just "settle down" somewhere. Maybe it's just her endless belief that the TARDIS and the Doctor will always come back somehow.
But then she's really amazing in TSP. She didn't collapse and give up like she did in The Christmas Invasion. She was like "OK, we're going to fix this."
-The bit where the Doctor hugs Zach might be my favorite thing, like...ever. Seriously. I love those two together! They were amazing in Casanova and watching this after seeing Casanova was just SO squee.
-I was majorly bummed when Scooti died. DAMN, she was hot. Also I think she and Ida had something going on. Yes, I am mentally 12.
-"The valiant child who will die in battle, so very soon." GAH. This freaked me out so bad when I first watched it, when I didn't know what happened at the end of S2. Now it just breaks my heart.
-I like it when I care enough about the side characters to be sad when they die. That's good writing. I properly got a bit choked up when Jefferson died.
-The Doctor makes such good faces when he's talking to the Beast. My friend and I love paying attention to the hilarious faces people sometimes make. Also he does a lot of that tongue thing which sends me into the Land of Dirty Thoughts.
-I really hate the CGI Beast. Like really. I couldn't take it seriously at all. I found everything quite spooky and creepy until the minute when we first see a hologram of the Beast. At which point I was just like "oh, god."
-Ok, wait. When Rose shot open the windshield of the rocket, shouldn't ALL of the air have been sucked out immediately? Because...it's space? And it's a vacuum? Hang on, I'm going to go fetch my Hummer and drive it through this hole in science.
-Were they considering having Ida as the next companion? He said "See you again, maybe." I would have liked that, she was great.
-I know I don't even have to mention the helmet kiss, "Oh she knows," or the hug. You know what I'm talking about and you know how amazing they are!!!
I'll admit it -- and please don't throw me out of the comm -- I'm kind of a cynical Doctor/Rose shipper. I totally support their love, but I think some shippers get a little irrational about it and blow it out of proportion. I think he's loved before Rose and he will love again, though it was certainly the most intense and romantic relationship we've ever seen on screen. But I forgot how canon TSP makes their love. His whole speech where he basically admits that he needs to sacrifice the woman he loves, and the fact that the thought of HER could stop him...well, that's not fanfic. That's the writers of the show. So yay!
Next up is my least favorite episode in all of Doctor Who. Love and Monsters. *shudder*