I've been thinking about GitF a fair amount recently, trying to work out which bits bug me.
Unfortunately, I'm pretty much at the stage where most of it bugs me. It just doesn't work for me, as an episode. I am one of those people that likes the lack of emotional continuity because it makes it easier to pretend it never existed
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I totally agree. This is what bugs me about the Reinette/Doctor "relationship".
I feel so conflicted about Moffat. On one hand, I loved TEC/TDD. And Blink was one of the best episodes of Series 3. But TGitF just comes out of nowhere in season 2. Moffat is brilliant at creating monsters. He's created some of the best monsters of the New Series, but he's crap when it comes to character arcs. I think that the problem with Moffat is that he will sacrifice characters and relationships to service his story. So while I think he's a brilliant writer, I don't think that he should ever be put in charge of Doctor Who.
RTD, on the other hand, is a decent writers. Some of his scripts have been a bit clunky, but he really is great at developing characters. He shows growth and within each episode that he writes the characters act in a way that makes sense for them and their personal story. This is why he's a great Executive Producer. He makes sure that at the end of the day, a story is being told throughout the whole series. I don't think Moffat could do that.
*staunch Moffat lover*
(fwiw, I LOVE Girl In The Fireplace for a lot of reasons, but HATE HATE HATE it as a Doctor/Rose shipper.)
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