(Warning! Extreme Verbosity Ahead! Proceed With Caution!)
I'm going to perhaps not strictly follow the rules (they're more like guidelines, anyway?) because I want to briefly touch on Tooth & Claw and then I can't really address the things I want to address about School Reunion and Girl in the Fireplace without taking them together.
First, (
a couple things about Tooth & Claw. )
Yeah, even when I wasn't particularly fond of GitF as an episode, I never really hated Reinette. I mean, really, if I'd been in her position can I really say *I'd* have passed up a chance for surprise!Doctor-snogging? Hardly. Besides, I really ought not complain too much when I get to see David Tennant snog/be snogged like that. But her overtures towards the Doctor aside, Reinette was actually kind of cool. She handled herself incredibly well against something she should never have had to understand.
You did an excellent job here of illiterating the real point behind those two episodes, in relation to the Doctor & Rose, and I really appreciate that. I hope the people who read this will come to appreciate the episodes as much as you have.
Thank you! I'm a bit of an English nerd and I enjoy writing, so trying to fit the eps into the overall story structure of S2 when at first glance they can seem rather out of place in an otherwise largely Ten/Rose-shipfest-y season was actually kind of an enjoyable challenge. If only English classes in school were like this!
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