Diamonds and booze...

Jan 26, 2008 15:11

Since dettiot has been an absolute star and taken care of posting the past couple of recaps, I think it's my turn to share the drunken squee.

WARNING: Do not read if you have an allergy to extreme fangirling, lewd behaviour, and the occasional drool puddle. Studies show that reviewing this episode can result in Tennantitis, a common chronic mental illness. While there is no cure for this disease, it's symptoms are treatable with buckets of ice water and/or a large hose.

(real warning - this is pretty image heavy because I'm compulsive like that.)

ivydoor: Hey!
dettiot: hi!
ivydoor: I think I have invented the greatest drink in the history of EVER.
dettiot: Oooo, what!!!
ivydoor: Fill the glass with ice. One third vodka. One third Kahlua. Then one bottle of Starbucks peppermint dark chocolate drink.
ivydoor: WOOOO!
dettiot: yay for you!
ivydoor: LOL
ivydoor: It's made of 100% pure evil.
dettiot: [snicker[
dettiot: [goes to get her wine]
ivydoor: We're probably going to have to wait for Chris to get the Lego Star Wars out of his system. I'll probably get the TV by 9:30. LOL
dettiot: okay!
dettiot: so we're set to do both T&C and SR?
ivydoor: Yep. I actually got really lucky. My neighbor went out of town for her anniversary but had someone house sitting. Luckily/apparently I have a reputation of being "The Doctor Who fan" and they let me in to get the dvd.
ivydoor: LOL
dettiot: [snicker]!!!
ivydoor: It cracked me up. I am so ragging on her for that when she gets back.
dettiot: [giggle]
dettiot: Oooo, I got to talk about Doctor Who (a little bit) with the author who visited my library last night. 'Cause she's originally British, from Newcastle.
ivydoor: Sweet! I was meaning to ask how that went!
dettiot: it went well! nice turnout and a good presentation.
ivydoor: Cool! What did she have to say about DW?
dettiot: She liked Eccleston better. We talked a bit about the past Doctor's accents, and then she made the great line about how Eccleston was like a D.H. Lawrence Doctor Who.
ivydoor: HA!
dettiot: [grin] she was also saying about how DW was family viewing in her house, before they came to America--tea on Saturday night in front of the TV.
ivydoor: Yep. That's how it was for me. I vaaaguely remember it, though. I do remember Four regenerating to Five though. That blew my baby brain. Couldn't watch it for years afterwards.
dettiot: I grew up with my mom watching it, but I never watched it. If only . . .
ivydoor: Hee! Yeah. One of the benefits of having a Brit parent. "You'll watch it and you'll LIKE IT." LOL
dettiot: HEE!
dettiot: which parent was British?
ivydoor: My dad. He was obsessive about making sure we knew where we came from. Especially since my sister was only a baby when we moved back to the States. We'd watch all the Brit shows on PBS - All Creatures Great and Small, Are you being served?, Doctor Who. We'd listen to The Goon show records. LOVE them. Spike Milligan, Peter Sellers, & Harry Secombe
dettiot: Are You Being Served? was my first introduction to British TV.
ivydoor: Hee! I absolutely adore that show.
dettiot: me, too. :-)
ivydoor: Okay Let me set up.
dettiot: all right!
ivydoor: Duh. Might help to turn the PS3 remote on.
dettiot: bwah!
dettiot: were you just pressing buttons, going, "Why . . . won't . . . it . . . . WORK?!?!"
ivydoor: YES
ivydoor: "START DAMMIT!"
ivydoor: LOL
dettiot: ready when you are
ivydoor: ok
ivydoor: ready?
dettiot: yep!
dettiot: 3
ivydoor: 3
dettiot: 2
ivydoor: 2
dettiot: 1
ivydoor: 1

dettiot: mmm, pretty Scotland. Which is actually Wales.
ivydoor: I know. Ha! So gorgeous though.
dettiot: "fist of man!!!!"
dettiot: DITTO.
dettiot: [giggles at the ass-whupping]
ivydoor: Hee!
ivydoor: I love the "Hiss!" the guy does after knocking him out! LOL
dettiot: [giggle]
dettiot: [does the theme song dance]
ivydoor: *cabbage patches*
dettiot: [squees for David and Billie]
ivydoor: HEE!
ivydoor: One of my favorite episodes ever.
dettiot: Tooth and Claw: RTD's blender episode.

dettiot: The Doctor is such a punk. Imagine if One could see him now, though.
ivydoor: He'd kill himself. Question is: would it be homicide or suicide?
dettiot: bwah!

ivydoor: Skylab!
dettiot: 1879. Same difference!
ivydoor: I love that.
dettiot: yay, Scottish!
ivydoor: GUH
ivydoor: HA
ivydoor: I love Rose's bad Scottish accent.
dettiot: [giggles at the Doctor's dislike of Rose's Scottish]
dettiot: I love how he lets everyone see the psychic paper.
ivydoor: Hee!

dettiot: awwww. it's almost like he's introducing her to his mum.
ivydoor: Aw!
ivydoor: "Does it?"
ivydoor: *snort*
dettiot: [giggle]
dettiot: so, wait, they had to walk 10 miles?
ivydoor: Oooo, he's gonna pay for the timorous beastie comment later.
dettiot: [giggle]
dettiot: I love this conversation, how they just carry on so lovely
ivydoor: That look she shoots him when the Queen calls her that could kill.
dettiot: [grin]
dettiot: ba-bum-ba-bum.

ivydoor: I absolutely LOVE the Doctor's look this episode. Mmm, layers.
dettiot: I absolutely love all the close-ups on DT's freckles.
ivydoor: Oh yes!
dettiot: [giggles at that face]
ivydoor: Hee! He's so expressive.
dettiot: I know!

ivydoor: I love this room.
dettiot: I know!
dettiot: and yes, the Doctor knows nothing about eccentric.
ivydoor: The set for this one is gorgeous.
dettiot: "But it's pretty!"
ivydoor: HA! RUDE!
ivydoor: I love the shoulder pat. *has done the same thing with her hubby MANY TIMES*
dettiot: they're soooooo coupley.

ivydoor: And him hiding behind he hand trying not to crack up.
ivydoor: HEE
dettiot: and the complete lack of personal space!
ivydoor: I want to know what they're nudging each other about.
ivydoor: Hee!
dettiot: [giggle] there's a fic there.
dettiot: and sadly, I don't think anyone's written it!
ivydoor: He mouths out "Stop it" but I can't make out what she says in return.

dettiot: how much did I adore principia's story about Rose getting to put on that blue dress?
dettiot: Yeah, I know.
ivydoor: OMG YES
ivydoor: Very pretty dress too.
dettiot: [pictures the Doctor opening and closing his mouth like a mackeral]
dettiot: yeah!
ivydoor: HEE
ivydoor: Nighty night!

dettiot: I love Rose here.
ivydoor: Yep. She gets right into solving the mystery.
dettiot: 'cause she's Rose adn she's awesome!

ivydoor: I love how you see the body being dragged by the door as the "servant" monk walks in.
dettiot: yeah!
ivydoor: I adore this scene between the Doctor and the Queen.
dettiot: I have to say, I like the accent DT uses as the Doctor, but the Scottish? Is most pleasing, and I keep hoping they go back to Scotland or find an excuse for him to use it.
ivydoor: She plays it brilliantly.
dettiot: Oh, I know! Really gets at where the Doctor's at, but he doesn't think about it.
ivydoor: Yep.

ivydoor: Pretty, pretty man... *drools*
dettiot: mmmmmmmm. yes.
ivydoor: I'm sorry... what?

dettiot: I love Rose going up against hte werewolf.
ivydoor: Yep.
ivydoor: And it acknowledges her as an equal.
dettiot: oh, yeah.
dettiot: and this lean-in that DT does? GUH
ivydoor: *thuds*

dettiot: I love this recognition from the wolf . . .
ivydoor: Yes! And I think this is how Rose found out what happened in TPoW
dettiot: at least, after this, she tackled the Doctor and made him tell her.
ivydoor: Yep. I can see her approaching it hesitantly, but insistently.
ivydoor: I absolutely LOVE this effect.
dettiot: very much so. after all, by the very next ep, she's saying when it comes to Daleks, "met the emperor!"
ivydoor: (Warner Brothers, please take notes for Lupin)
dettiot: [giggle]

dettiot: And the Doctor, once again, all about Rose.
ivydoor: he immediately goes into Rose-tunnelvision
dettiot: And Rose is in anti-damsel-in-distress mode.

ivydoor: Yep. But you have to admit this kicking down the door scene is pretty damn hot.
dettiot: see, they did it in a long shot and I NEVER NOTICED.
ivydoor: ANd then he geeks out once he knows she's safe.
dettiot: well, he's there, so of course she's safe.
ivydoor: Heh.

dettiot: [adores your icon of QV that says "This is my boomstick"]
ivydoor: (never mind the fact that she's saved his ass more often than he's saved hers)
ivydoor: BOOM
ivydoor: Hee!
dettiot: shhhhh, his ego is male and fragile.
ivydoor: BWAH! Yep.
dettiot: especially when it's Rose giving the opinion

ivydoor: God, I know I keep gushing but he's so damn pretty in this episode.
dettiot: the cinematography is just stellar in this one, all around.

ivydoor: I love the Lady in this.
dettiot: she's not bad!
ivydoor: Another "6 actors in Britain" thing- the guy who gets eaten was in "Takin' over the Asylum".
dettiot: [grin]
ivydoor: (loves that show)
dettiot: I love on the commentary, where DT's talking about Pauline Collins and the trainers she has on under her dress.
ivydoor: Aaaand we show Queenie isn't above lying.
dettiot: QV wasn't a totally sterlilng character in some respects.

dettiot: and hee, their sniping!
ivydoor: Hee!
dettiot: I so wish Rose had said, "In this outfit, where would I have silver bullets?"
ivydoor: *snorts at the look the Queen gives him*
ivydoor: BWAH

dettiot: yay for the Doctor, getting a bit of a feel!
dettiot: (and saving Rose.)
ivydoor: I love the commentary about the screams. Hee! How his was much more manly than Sir Robert's.
ivydoor: GOD I love how this shot mirrors Doomsday.
dettiot: oooo!!! I had never noticed that. Interrrrrresting. And, RTD, you're a bastard.
ivydoor: Yep.

dettiot: hug!!!
ivydoor: SO CUUUUUTE
dettiot: adorable. mid-danger hugging!
dettiot: "you're wife's away. I just thought you were happy."
ivydoor: HA! Love that icon.
ivydoor: BWAH
dettiot: "Oh . . . right."
ivydoor: I never got that. Like nobody can ever fake an accent?
dettiot: it's a social status thing. by being able to change his accent so easily, it implies that he's a charlatan. at best, he's bettered himself more than he should have.
ivydoor: I mean, I know why it makes him seem untrustworthy, but the way it's worded is clinky.

dettiot: LICKING!
ivydoor: WOOOO
ivydoor: And Rose, bless her, figures out Ten needs a tighter leash than Nine.

dettiot: woo-hoo!!! My librarian's heart went pitter-pat at the books=weapons line
dettiot: [snicker]
ivydoor: Oh, mine too! Well, I'm not a librarian, but it still makes me warm and fuzzy.
ivydoor: ANd the Lady mirrors Rose's attitude about standing by the Doctor.

dettiot: I so love how Rose is always asking questions--and usually, they're the right questions.
ivydoor: yep.
ivydoor: She's a bright woman, just hasn't had the opportunities others have.
dettiot: [nods] yeah. but traveling with the Doctor is worth so much more than education.
ivydoor: *looks at all her homeschooling books and agrees*

dettiot: hee, a big-ass diamond: just what this episode needed. because it wasn't OVER THE TOP ENOUGH.
ivydoor: Subtlety is NOT RTD's strong suit.
dettiot: awww, look at how their fingers are bruthsing against each otehr as they touch the diamond.
ivydoor: Aw! I never noticed that.
dettiot: it's very light, because that kind of hting? not a friend thing.

dettiot: woo-hoo, hair ruffling!!!!!
ivydoor: I LOVE THIS
ivydoor: Ruffle!porn
ivydoor:jesidres will get that joke.
ivydoor: Heh
dettiot: and I love when the Doctor's putting it all together, and he's excited and falling all over his words
ivydoor: Tha..wolf...there...

dettiot: [grin] yeah!
dettiot: lots of running in this ep. even for a DW ep
ivydoor: I'm telling you, she' rocks.
ivydoor: LOL yeah

ivydoor: I love the commentary about how light the wheel was and how they really had to fake it.
dettiot: I do have trouble watching this at times, 'cause I think of the stuff from the outtakes. :-)
dettiot: hee!! I didn't remembver that part.
ivydoor: Heh
dettiot: I suppose that's why they get paid the big bucks.
ivydoor: Hee! That and for being sweaty. (can you tell I adore the commentary of this ep?)
dettiot: [giggle]

dettiot: oooooo, look at that lighting.
ivydoor: SO pretty.

dettiot: she's got such a strange look on her face, looking at the bite/cut.

dettiot: knighting!
dettiot: and the Dcotor looks down her top again]
ivydoor: I'm convinced it was the werewolf who decided to banish the Doctor because it knew he could stop him.
dettiot: oooo, interseting. hadn't thought of that.
dettiot: i wonder if the Doctor ever paid up on that.
ivydoor: Heh. Rose wins.
dettiot: of course she does.
dettiot: you know, this speech kinda reminds me of Jackie's in AoG--the walking in a market one.
ivydoor: I am totally convinced this became an unending quest for the Doctor to beat Rose and he never wins.

dettiot: oh, I love this whole sequence.
ivydoor: Me too.
dettiot: [giggles] hemophilia is a euphemism for werewolfism . . . and diabetes is the explanation for vampires.
dettiot: they're so giggly together!
ivydoor: BWAHAHAH
ivydoor: I know.
ivydoor: "Aaaaroooooo!"
ivydoor: Hee!

dettiot: dude, they must have had fun in ADR for that bit.
dettiot: even DT who hates ADR
ivydoor: Hee!
ivydoor: yeah, that's the werewolf talking there.
dettiot: it makes sense.
ivydoor: She looks a bit crazed, doesn't she?
dettiot: yay, SR!!!!
ivydoor: WOOO!
dettiot: sarah jane!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ivydoor: i'd have KILLED for a teacher like DT as a girl.
dettiot: OMG, YES. [would have failed her first class if that had been the case]
ivydoor: I absolutely adore that Sarah Jane came back.
dettiot: pause, plas
ivydoor: She was my first companion (like many others of my generation). Sure.
ivydoor: Just let me know when you want to start SR.
dettiot: T&C moves so quickly!! it must be all the running.
ivydoor: Wow. Um. Two of those drink really grabbed me by the booboo. I just shifted position and the room did a 360 on me. LOL
dettiot: [giggle] I'm just drinking beer tonight. Not tipsy at all, really, but honestly, I don't need to be tipsy to think that Rose is awesome and Ten is gorgeous.
ivydoor: Oh I know!
dettiot: and I still love T&C.
ivydoor: I want to take all the layers off.
dettiot: [giggle] [imagines the Doctor] Hmmmm . . . oooo, no tie!! Rose will like that. I'll look young and hip! And maybe, just maybe, if I flash a little skin, she'll snog me again! Girls like seeing your Adam's apple, right?
ivydoor: HEE
dettiot: mmmm, layers. he's like a lovely present.
ivydoor: AMEN

2x02 tooth and claw

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