Did I say just a few days ago that I love New Earth? I do, but for sheer cinematographic beauty, it’s difficult to even equal Tooth and Claw. Is it the (erstwhile) Scottish landscapes? The burrs? The nearly pornographic focus on David Tennant’s hair? No matter. TaC is three-quarters of an hour of pure pretty. And Billie Piper looks mighty cute too.
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I do love action!Rose.
The Doctor said it might take a centure for a single cell to be cultivated. The bite QV may have received was barely a scratch and done by the wolf even as it was being killed. I'm sure the wolf had planned to do a much more thorough biting that would transfer its consciousness over.
Have to agree on the cavelier attitude the Doctor and Rose seem to take. It's like they had one person writing the death and mayhem, and another writing whee!Rose and fanboy!Doctor, without any communication between the two. She saw a man shredded to death and ten seconds later it's "Werewolf! Can you believe it?!" Although the way Billie played it, you could almost interpret her reaction as jumped up on adrenaline and wanting comfort from the Doctor. Still, her persistence in trying to get QV to say she wasn't amused after people had already started dying was not funny, and I think more than a bit out of character for her.
Still, it is perhaps the prettiest Ten!hair episode ;)
Your mission, should you choose to accept it...
It's like they had one person writing the death and mayhem, and another writing whee!Rose and fanboy!Doctor, without any communication between the two.
I know that the genesis of this particular script was rather odd, because it had originally been assigned to another writer, but the script came back and it didn't jibe at all with what RTD had had in mind, so he ended up writing a script of his own. I would surmise that perhaps bits had been cherry-picked from the other script, but if that were the case - assuming UK writer's guild crediting requirements align with the WGA's rules - then the other guy would either be co-credited for the script or given 'story' credit.
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