Bunny Round Up!

Aug 01, 2010 12:01

First - A Bunny has found a good home!
From our monthly challenges - June Challenge 2: Following Tradition... You'll need the character or characters of your choice and a wedding.  It does not have to be theirs.  You'll also want something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue.  Bonus points if you can blame that tradition on aliens - and the scarier the aliens, the better.

melnay13  re-homed the bunny in question with this delightful fic, called Domestics: Torchwood Style.

Second - To round-up current bunnies!
Warning: Some bunnies may spoil people who have not caught up to Season Five.

-I've never seen a fic that played on the name Rose as the past tense of "rise." I thought that could make for some great imagery. < Reply Here>

-I was thinking that I'd love to see a genfic in which Jack and Wilf meet, back when Wilf was much younger. I'd like to see how those two play off each other. < Reply Here>

-The Brigadier meets the Time Lords.  This is not a good thing.  For either of them.< Reply Here>

-During Journey's End, it's Jackie and Mickey, not Rose, who save Wilf and Sylvia from the Dalek. While Mickey sets up the giant conference call, Wilf and Jackie get to talking. They decide that no nasty alien pepperpots are going to risk their children's happiness, and become the Dalek-fightin' team of badass older folk. What are their adventures? How, if at all, does this affect the outcome of the battle? And what do Rose, Donna, and especially the Doctor have to say about this?
Forget women scorned, Hell hath no fury like an outraged parent.< Reply Here>

-Instead of destroying the dream Tardis the doctor kills his companions and stays to face his demons. The Dreamlord discovers that he is not in fact a representation of all that is dark in the Doctor; rather he is a representation of his petty insecurities and vanity. The Doctors other personalities show up, people like John Smith, the Valeyard, Zegrueus, Es’cartrss, and possibly a past regeneration or two. The Tardis takes the form of a past companion to convince the Doctor to quit being self destructive. Someone mentions the fact that Compassion and her children died in the war. The Tardis finally kills the Doctor ala Bad Wolf, setting him free of the dream. < Reply Here>

-Girl!Nine/Rose/Jack, or Girl!Nine/Rose, with Ten, There was a lot she didn't tell her Companions about regeneration, this was one not even she expected to happen. Or was it he now?
*basically I've seen a lot of fics that have the Doctor regenerate into a woman and have to deal with that. I just thought it would be interesting to have an AU where a Doctor who has always been a woman, suddenly ends up regenerated into a male body. < Reply Here>

Finally - Commentary by the posting mod

Well, it's been a slow start.  But we have our first challenge fic, and that is a very definite start!

Don't forget to bring up your tired, your poor...  No, sorry, that's the Statue of Liberty.  But definitely your huddled masses of bunnies that you just can't take the time for right now.  We're looking forward to it!

bunnyroundup, pimp us out, plotbunnycorral, mod post

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