Title: Miranda, Home [1/1]
caramelapples11Fandom: The Devil Wears Prada (film) / Damages (TV series)
Pairing: Miranda/Patty
Archive: Please don't archive.
Rating: K+
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters which are recognizable.
Prompt: #44 Miranda/Patty (Damages) Patricia; bitches; inferiority complex; anything to win; power play; destroy.
Summary: She would be her downfall. It would be her sweetest.
Author’s notes: Written for
dwp_fest. The story interweaves between two timelines, recent past, and present. I tried to avoid this becoming a angst-fest, and I think I succeeded. Many thanks to the awesome
ballion, who stayed by me day and night as I cracked my head writing this, and to
averita for the encouragement! Thanks to Jess for the grammar check. All mistakes belong to me. As usual, I hope you’ll enjoy my first attempt at a crossover. Feedback is greatly appreciated! I'd love to know what you think.
Miranda, Home