Mar 07, 2005 00:08
I don't really have much to say but I did want to boast about my new guitar. It was originally $2,999.99, but I got it for under $400.00. I really do get lucky when it comes to deals like that. For those of you who know guitars very well I got a Paul Reed Smith. It's a beautiful silver with a black pickguard, it has a tremolo bar and it sound so great. Not only does it sound amazing, but it's soooooooooo pretty. Anyway..., my dad's birthday was on Saturday. That was pretty fun. Today, or I should now say yesterday (Sunday) was horrilbe. We cleaned the house ALL day long. I did however go to the church for a band meeting. We are playing on the 29th of April at Northwest Church of Christ. I can't wait. We are also playing at O'Connor on the 13th of May after the choir concert. Don't plan ANYTHING for those days except to see us play, well...., to see at least me play...., just playin around. I'm not really that self-centered. Anywho, lunch on Friday was a ton of fun. I miss hanging out with people, Ben, Claire, Hannah, Allison, etc...., you know...., the important people. I've been so fricken busy lately, it becomes very lonely on this side very quickly. Now that my house is spotless, I can have people over again. I go to Dallas this weekend. It should be a ton of fun. I get to hang out with about 100 clowns. Anyway..., that's about it for now.