Apr 07, 2009 00:06
I'm still having somewhat of a quarter-life crisis. I have a good philosophical foundation, so it's not like I'm being crippled by my own existence, but I have been thinking a lot about meaning-of-life stuff and about how good a person I am and whether what I am doing/will do is important in the world. I'll make an entry about all that at some point. I'm hoping that after a while this will all get resolved in my head and I can go back to a more day-to-day consciousness.
I have not been great lately about getting my schoolwork done in a timely or thorough manner. I have a problem with procrastinating. I know I'm not alone in that, but I do need to use the rest of the semester to improve my study habits. Mostly I just need to make sure I get something done before I start messing around, rather than the other way around.
The title game tonight between North Carolina and Michigan State was over about five minutes in. I spent the second half taking a nice nap.
"Fate isn't what we're up against. There's no design, no flaws to find."
the shins,