Title: The Last Time We Met (Was a Different Time for Each of Us)
Rating: PG
Pairing: Jack/Romana
Word count: 2635
Summary: Six times Jack Harkness met Romanadvoratrelundar and one time he didn't.
Spoilers: Parting of the Ways, End of Days
Notes: Thanks to my lovely beta
xwingace, who didn't just correct this but also gave it a proper title and solved the problems of the timeline. This is set in the same universe as
We'll always have Paris, but it should make sense without it.
Written for the
twdw_ficathon as a gift for
iristigerlily, who wanted the words "Oh... so, you're not dead"; a daffodil and a mention of something to do with neck-ties. Hope you like it!
Jack doesn't remember their first meeting Crossposted all over the place, sorry.