Jan 05, 2006 13:27
Ground Rules: The first player of this “game” starts with the topic “five weird habits” and tags five people to write a Live Journal entry about their five quirky habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, those five people need to list the next five people to be tagged.
1. I get very possessive of my musical instruments. Misuse of my drums or guitars will not be tolerated (you'll get the infamous DL look.)
2. Being the movie director man that i am, i tend to notice the insignificant details of a situation. Sometimes i'll find something funny, but at the wrong time ): (and i'll get the infamous Look-At-DL look.)
3. I always have a tune running in my head. That's why you'll find me tapping my fingers on my desk or strumming an air guitar (i can't play air bass yet)
4. I tend to open up iTunes (which everyone should get, it's a great music player) and play the same songs over and over again. I've listened to one song called Reach 102 times. Oh wait - now it's 103 times. (My favorite song of all time, Shine, has only been listened to 86 times >:[ )
5. Sometimes i find myself in a state of Common-Senselessness. Happens alot. One time, i had my school books in one arm and a cup of hot chocolate in the other hand, and i tried to shut my mom's white car door. Common sense didn't kick in until after i doused the car with some chocolaty goodness. (c'mon DL!)
People who are next to do this amazingly fun dealy: