Title: Ring-a-Ring-a-Rosie
Prompt: Another World on
#78 - Where? On
fanfic100Disclaimer: The worlds of Chrestomanci and all the characters and concepts within belong to DWJ.
Secondary Disclaimer: I don’t hate the French, or the English.
Words: 100
The soft whispers of English nursery rhymes can be heard from the slave-quarters. This blatant act of defiance is illegal, by order of the Emperor, but the guards let the ill-joined syllables of the disgusting language continue. It hurts the slaves to know that the old languages are vanishing, the rhymes being the death throws of an uncivilised serpent. Only the vulgar accents remain, the mark of an English slave being their stiff ‘r’ and ungracious vowels.
So all the heads turn - slave, master, and bourgeoisie - when the tall, impressive foreigner speaks to the Emperor, in the rhyme-tainted slur of a slave.