In the category of "Late, better than never" and "I'm kind of slow"...

Apr 13, 2013 12:45

B2MEM 2010 was one of the most fun things I've done in fandom ever, but it was such a collaborative effort, with bits and pieces of story scattered all about on the RPG site, I couldn't figure out how to post it on any archive. Oh hey, I've got an LJ now...

My entry was called Armageddon Will Not Be Televized.

The challenge for me was to tell a coherent story, based on prompts I received from moves on the gameboard, but also integrated with the RPG interactions on the chat boards. I managed to put links to just about everything, so it's possible to follow, if with some effort. Chat board interactions read bottom of page to top, but fics read top to bottom, and sometimes there are multiple things going on in different threads.

My major interest in writing this story was to take the game device of Dagor Dagorath, with its resurrection scenario, and instead of taking that for what it clearly is - a device to let people choose favorite characters - to take it literally as an essential part of Dagor Dagorath. That let me ask what's at stake in the 7th Age (our time) when Morgoth returns. What is it that our era is going through that needs a Dagor Dagorath to settle it, and are we just passive, or do we have a role to play?

To tell that story, I needed an OC character who could voice some of the more pressing issues of contemporary society to interact with my 3rd Age main character and all the other 1, 2, 3rd Age characters and Powers. I also wanted to look into the idea of the separate fates of mortal and immortal peoples in Tolkien's world: does Dagor Dagorath have any effect on that separation, or not? Halbarad was my main vehicle for dealing with that issue, with Turin and my OC as secondary ones toward the end.

Indecent amounts of fun were had by all parties, and I'm pleased to have a place to put this crazy adventure story.

theologofic, philosofic, ocs, fanfic, world on fire, melkor, valar, b2mem, halbarad

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