My favorite jacket. Let me show u it.

Aug 19, 2008 11:01

I was going through clothes last night and I found my most *favorite* jacket EVER. It's been lost for only about a month but it made me feel so happy. I actually fell asleep with it, holding it like I dunno, you'd hold a cute little teddy bear. And before that, I seriously spent like half an hour just laying on my bedroom floor and ... smelling it. I'm sure it smells horrible to anyone else... It's a mixture of beer, cigar smoke, fish 'n' chips, and rain. I reak of Scotland. <3

Edit. Melina, if you still want that song, here is the Mediafire link again: click! AIM is so bitchy. >(
Edit x2. Our cat has an appointment this afternoon. You know, to be put to sleep... I feel like crying. :/ Sunny has been my buddy for like fourteen years of my life. ;_;

sunset, scotland, favorite jacket

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