Aug 09, 2005 08:06
Jorge, my betta with a weak-constitution, has dropsy. I noticed this on Sunday when I was doing a tank change. He has had such a myriad of illnesses in the past few months. His normal life expectancy is two years, he's two years old. I made the difficult decision not to put another $5 in cure for a $3 fish. Yesterday I got to feeling guilty and it's just not in me to euthanize a fish. Naturally, I ran to the pet store and spent, you guessed it, another $5 on a remedy. There was a $16 dollar remedy available too; I couldn't rationalize $16. I searched high and low and finally found the med that I purchased. Most fish who are treated for dropsy still don't survive. I just couldn't give up on the poor guy. I put him in an isolation tank and changed out his water. He looks a little better this morning, but I still have reservations that he will even make it through the day.
Tori, my siamese, gets so jealous of any time I spend on fish maintenance. I think that she's hoping to lick the bowl once Jorge takes the final swirly ride.