Feb 29, 2008 22:59
Was just listening to the BBC this evening on the way home and heard a story about the 30th Gay Mardi Gras taking place in Sydney, Australia. It'll be the first time that uniformed Ozzie military personnel will be taking part in the parade thanks to the liberalized attitude of the new Aussie government under Rudd. (Goodbye and good riddance to the conservative Bush sycophant Howard.) Also there will be 100 clergy taking part in the march who will also be offering a formal apology to the way that Christianity has treated the homosexuals in the past. Apparently the first march 30 years ago was a protest that ended with 50 people being arrested (homosexuality was illegal in Australia back then). Now it is a huge festival to rival Carnivale in Rio.
Great to see how much progress can be made in 30 years and gives me a lot of hope as to how things might be very much better once the vile W has been removed. It is a big mess that he's left to be cleaned up after, and the damage to the Supreme Court may take years to undo, but there's always hoping that a democrat will make it in in '08 and that Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito will be abducted by Vogons in '09 and forced to listen to their poetry. I disagree vehemently with Scalia, but I can respect his intelligence and he strikes me as a good person, and someone that I'd not mind having debates with over dinner. Thomas is a joke and Alito just feels slimy and evil, a bad shit that W took on the face of the nation. Alas, Roberts is chief justice, but again, like Scalia, it seems he is a principled man of the law, even if I disagree with him, I feel that I can grant him respect. Looking at some of the 7-2 decisions where Thomas and Alito split and their reasoning. Oi vey. Idealistic fanatics who push their agenda so hard regardless of the propriety of law just don't belong. Or maybe they just don't understand the nuances of the law. Some of the 5-4s I can understand, they are often an interpretation of a grey area....
Ok, maybe I had too much coffee at Nicole's award banquet tonight. :P