Two Men, A Tardis and A Baby Part 6 of ?

May 20, 2007 16:53

Title: Two Men, A Tardis and A Baby 6 of ?
Characters: Ten/Jack and someone new....
Rating: All ages
Content: Drama, angst, romance, adventure - some fun tossed in.

Summary: Sometimes, if you’re very very good (and we all know that the Doctor is), a gift is bestowed upon you by the power beyond all space and time. It’s not something that can be cultivated or sought. It’s not even something that can be named. It’s something given and it’s something intended to be cherished.

Okay - it's been a little while since my last update. I know. Apologies. Business trips, children in hospital and birthdays all got in the way. But as promised, this section is nice and long - with revelations and much good stuff! *G* I hope you all continue to enjoy it - and thanks again for the incredible comments! I'm very excited about the response it's receiving! Thank you!

My beta, Tartantartesque, rocks. Seriously. :) She is singlehandedly making this fic better than I'd hoped!

"I think there’s a good chance that baby might be me.”
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