It Was Me

May 21, 2010 21:26

TenII and Rose
Rating: All Ages
Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Charicter Study
Word Count: 880
Spoliers for The End of Time and Waters of Mars

If time is bleeding, can the Ood cross the wall between parallels to contact his other? They could sense the Doctor’s defiance and have decided to make him face duty - both of him.

Ten II and Rose dealing with the end of time for their Doctor. The parallel that RTD made between death and regeneration is explored.

Rose ran down the stairs three at a time before banging at the security door of Torchwood’s medical bay.

“Open the door,” she yelled, her voice a shrill of panic. Once inside, Rose rushed in to the middle of a circular white room lined with doors. Unsure of where to go she stopped.

The technician who opened the door looked at her. “Dr. Tyler?” he questioned.

Rose spun to face the technician. ”Where is he?” she demanded and she was escorted to a door that hissed open as they approached. The Doctor lay strapped to a bed. His eyes were open, but Rose knew his mind was somewhere else.

Rose rushed to his side. “I’m here Doctor. I love you, I’m here.” Instinctively, she ran fingers through his hair. With no response outside of his panicked stare, Rose looked over the rest of him. At seeing the ties binding him, she glared at the technician. “Why is he in restraints?”

“For his safety. I’m so sorry Dr. Tyler.  I don’t understand what happened.

Rose sighed with impatience, “Than explain what happened.”

We were running tests on a new strain of Swine Flu the Pig Planet infecting us with when it started.”

“What started?”

“The Doctor stopped, stood, and stared at nothing. After a few minutes, he started speaking to someone we couldn’t see.  The Doctor called him Sigma and then started begging him to stop. He kept saying that he couldn’t help and so he didn’t need to see.” When a beep sounded, Rose gave the technician permission to answer the med-bay door.

Rose stared at the screen above the Doctor bed. His one heart was beating fast, but his other vitals were fine.   She heard the technician escorting someone to another of the rooms before coming back.

He cleared his throat, and started again softly, “We ran some tests and tried to get him to snap out of it. Finally, he started throwing things and screaming that humans were not little people so we had to restrain him.”

Rose looked at the Doctor. His was grey with a sheet of sweat making him seem at deaths door. “What happened when you restrained him?”

“He tried to fight us off. He was yelling about the end of time and that something was returning. He begged us to stop and think and kept calling us master.”

At this, Rose’s blood chilled. The Doctor never provided details of heartache, but when he dreamt of the Master, he always woke shaking in her arms.

Rose sat down next to the Doctor.  “You can leave,” she said without looking up.

“Are you sure?” When the technician didn’t get a response, he left Dr. Tyler with her husband.

Slowly, Rose undid the restraints. “Theta?” She whispered.

He stiffened and gripped her hand tightly, but didn’t look at her. So Rose did the one thing she could - she sat by his side.

With her head resting on his shoulder, Rose finally heard him whimper, “I know…I’m sorry you have to go. I’m so sorry.”

She looked up and saw tears pouring down his face. Finally, after hours of waiting he saw her. “Oh Rose,” he said, weeping in her arms for what seemed like years.

They lay together on the bed for a while before Rose asked, “What happened?”

“He’s gone.”

“I know and I’m sorry, but what happened to you?”

“They made me watch,” the Doctor said, his tone flat and helpless.

Rose looked at him, “Who?”

Rubbing his face with his hands, “Remember I told you about the Ood Sphere and how they predicted that my song would end?”

“Oh,” Rose replied. She had hoped the Ood meant the end of the Doctor and Donna traveling, but the Doctor knew it wasn’t only that loss.

“Ood Sigma explained that as the same man I was equally responsible for the decisions he made so I needed to watch. Also, Sigma wanted to make sure he wouldn’t be alone.”

“He knew you were there?”

The Doctor sighed, “Only at the end. He was so afraid Rose. Just as afraid of changing as I am of death.  He saw them as the same thing.  It was never like that before.”

Rose couldn’t think of anything to say. They had spoken about death and their fears of losing themselves to the unknown. Rose decided the best thing was to wipe the tears off his checks.

At her gentile touch, the Doctor fell in love with Rose all over again. He stilled her hand with his and whispered, “It was me - in the shadows on New Years. I was dying and it was you I needed to see”

Eyes wide, Rose took a shuddering breath as she realized which New Years he meant. Fresh tears starting to stream down her checks.

“In the end Rose, he thought of you. We both love you. I know I always will."

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