So I don't know if anyone's even still paying attention to this journal; I rarely post here anymore. I'm not entirely sure why that is; I used to go like gangbusters here. But I don't now. One of those things, I guess.
Where -am- I posting a lot? Google Plus. You can find me here: and if you need an invitation, let me know in the comments, which I'll screen, because you need to give me an email address to get you there.
The best part about G+? Well, I don't know if the Google exec pushed it, or if it just happened that way, but the number of people I don't know on G+ far exceeds the number of people I do know, and I think I'm interacting with the strangers more than I am my already existing friends. Where do I talk to them? Well, Facebook.
But since I've been on G+, I've joined a Sekrit Arts Project, written 1000 words of an ongoing story, posted a few short blurbs about myself, shared some quite brilliant art and essays, and met about 300 people online. So, in a world where people bemoan the fact that there's no social interaction anymore, G+ is a place where there's MORE interaction than less, because of what we have made of it. Heck, one of the people I met, Christina Trapolino, likes to demure that she's "just" a receptionist, but she's practically running a significant part of the arts community here, and I count myself lucky to have gotten in on the ground floor. Join up, and you'll see what I mean.
And the weirdest thing about it? I've only been on G+ for ten days, which is only slightly less than the most early of non-Google-Employee-early-adopters, and yet it has easily become my favorite website. I'm here more than I'm on GMail, or my favorite Cubs Blog, or Google Reader, or whatever. And I don't know most of the people who will find this in their stream.
G+ isn't facebook. It's not twitter. It's not Deviant Art. It's not Live Journal. It's a combination of parts of all of them, discarding what doesn't work, and shaping what's left into a whole that is greater than the sum of it's parts.
I'm not leaving Live-Journal, and if I can figure out how to post my more unique contributions to it automatically, I'll definitely be doing that. I love LJ for the communities more than anything else. And I'm still on Facebook, here: to keep in touch with those who don't convert to G+. But Google+ is taking more and more of my social network time, and I feel like I'm getting more out of it than other places.
Seriously, guys. I've felt more creative in the past ten days than I have for the previous year at least. I'm gonna follow my instincts on this one.