Doctor Who Review: The Girl who Waited and Spooks 10.1

Sep 20, 2011 08:39


I loved how sci fi this episode was and that despite that this episode was all about the characters. Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill were so amazing and Matt as a devestatingly sad and guilt ridden Eleven broke my heart.

Fifty years on Amy was a shock at first but I think they did everything really well in terms of aging. I also thought Karen stole the show having to play two Amy's at once!!! (WHY DO I HAVE NO AMY ICONS???? SOMEONE LINK ME!)

One of the things I love about this series is that Rory and Amy really do love each other and that's shown in the episodes. I cried when Amy told us about the Macarena, her first kiss with Rory, and the ordinary people who you realise are beautiful in time. I also cried when OldAmy was trying to break into the TARDIS and she knows she will fade away and she still tells Rory to let her go.

And the awful thing about this is: this is partially The Doctor's fault and he knows it and yet the fall out sits with Amy and Rory. Poor Rory. Wasn't 2000 years as the Roman Centurion enough? No. Now he has to choose wives in a seemingly impossible moral choice. Rory broke my heart. And Amy? She gets to remember her other self... with the single haunting remark of "where is she?"

Oh Doctor. "You're making me like you." Rory and Amy are so going to want out and then my poor heart will triple break.

Did I mention I love TEAM TARDIS and Moffat's Who???

Spooks 10.1. To quote Big Town All Stars: "That was er, um, well... rather good... wasn't it?" Low expectations. I haz em. They help.

I will be blunt. Spooks really lost me last series with Jucas. My expectations are so low, I made myself a lisence to mock. Which is why with 10.1 I spent my whole time focussing on the pretty and ignoring everything else.

So Tariq still has no lines? Bah- that's what fic is for! So Callum reminds me of Adam, except even more young and annoyingly smug. Screw him. He'll probably die or be a traitor anyway. So Ruth didn't get to do much? Yeah well she got to be off the Grid in EVENING ATTIRE. So Sasha as the son was so obvious I thought it had been revealed in text before the actual reveal... a minor quibble. I have my priorities sorted.

Haha world. As if Harry wouldn't get away with the Albany thing somehow. I'm pretty sure Harry could shoot everyone on The Grid in a spate of inexplicable rage and still the writer's would call him the hero.

HA LARA EFFING PULVER IS A GOD. She decommissioned Beth because she was a dodgy mercenary. Wow. This girl is sensible. Keep her on Harry!!! Also, she is competant (tells arrogant Callum off and shoots bad man dead). ALSO SHE HAS A FAMILY AND A LIFE. Memories. Remember when everyone did in s1 and 2? *nostalgia*

Dimitri was looking mighty fine this episode with his James Bond look AND LOTS OF SMILES. Even if he did fail at picking up Erin.

Harry and Ruth in evening attire. Ah!!! I knew the writers would give in and read the fic eventually. AND LOL ASHES TO ASHES MOMENT WITH MAMA BEAR.

Harry's old flame is pretty with her red hair. She can stay :)

Ruth is so gorgeous this episode. Also, HAHA AT HER AND THE HOME SEC. Underappreciated? Since like s2 guys.

Next week's episode: no idea of what is going on but I WILL WATCH FOR THE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE.

I am superficial that way.

ps: It's always the Russians

lara pulver is bamf, spooks: lisence to mock, nicola walker, karen gillan, timey wimey and my head is broke, doctor who, can't stop this now i've started, explosion on the internet, rory williams is cooler than you, spooks, beautiful nonsense, karen and the babes, matt smith, reviews, team tardis is love

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