Pictures of sexy, sexy people... because I can!

Nov 21, 2010 23:07

So I was reading Mary Ann on flickfilosopher again, admiring her latest 'aggressively promoting the female gaze' post on Ben Barnes from The Chronicles of Narnia and I went back and read the intitial rationale behind these posts found here:

I had just been thinking about what I found sexy in a person, largely brought about by Fidget on the Spooks forum :P and how what I find sexy does not meet the stereotypical 'male gaze' pushed agenda of the film medium, and decided to post happy pics of actors I find sexy who don't fit the conventional sexy/hot/beauty myth prototype :P

Pics under cut:

These comments from the post of Mary Ann's are the one's that probably relate most to this post:

Another point about the male gaze is how it relates to conventional standards of beauty. The idea that someone could find a woman of darker skin, or larger size, or of a certain shape and height attractive or eye-catching is also something ignored in favor of more "traditional" modes of female beauty. The idea that there is in fact a large spectrum of what is considered beautiful is apparently unheard of.

The ever present male gaze allows the commodification of female bodies/sexuality to go unchecked. Women's bodies become accepted as public property under the guise of being more "beautiful" (and therefore more marketable, more Othered.)
Then it's all fucked up further by the Madonna/Whore complex, slut-shaming and extremely narrow female beauty ideals.

In fact, women are actively attacked for not looking like Supermodels and getting older. Men don't have to deal with that.

With this in mind I am posting pics of people who arn't conventionally attractive, or are older women, or are not white.

Also, bear in mind this comment when reading/viewing this post. We can't help what we personally find sexually attractive, and we probably can't change that any more than we can change whether we're gay or straight. So please no slamming if you don't like what I like ok?

Also, for the record, I am fairly certain that I am straight. Certainly I have never fallen in love with another woman before, though I have with men. But that doesn't mean I don't admire sexy women as well as men- because I do...and I think that there is nothing wrong with that. For one thing, why shouldn't women be praised for being sexy if they in fact are? I never want to be part of that mysogynistic culture that puts other women down for being sexually confident and knowing what they want (see posts on River Song, Dr Who and sexuality).

I'm starting off with Spooks, because I am obsessed with it at the moment and because in series nine I found Ruth suddenly sexier times twenty. Screen caps from cbjfan44 on the Nicola Walker forum:

And Ruth in glasses! I have no idea why I found this hot, but I did :P

Also, Nicola with short hair... I don't why, but incredibly sexy :P

The thing about Nicola Walker is I don't think she is beautiful at all. She actually has always struck me as being incredibly plain, especially for someone in the field of work that she is in (I don't mean this in a negative way because you can be sexy but not conventionally beautiful).

She's almost so plain that it makes her compelling (though this is of course only my own opinion. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that) Actually I think the world already has a theory about that. Agatha Christie once got Poirot to spell it out in one of his mysteries. It basically amounted to the idea that you can be the most gorgeous male or female in the world, and still not have any sex appeal. And you can be quite plain, and somehow have more sex appeal with a big SA than a drop dead gorgeous person.

More pics to come: going out now with my flat mate :P


I do not joke... Suzie Travis is my new female crush... move over River Song! (When writing this I did have the weird idea of a crossover fan fic of dr who and chalk involving both those two... yeah my mind works in myseterious ways). Maybe it's NICOLA IN RED THAT OVERTHROWS THE GREAT RIVER. WEIRD BUT TRUE STORY... I always wanted Ruth to wear more red (to briefly explain my fave colour is bright red and I think Nicola suits strong colours and it used to drive me up the wall post series two how she NEVER EVER got to wear them), I'm pretty sure she did once way back in series two days, but I WANTED IT TO HAPPEN ALL OF THE TIME. And in Chalk it kind of does? Also, I like her 90's outfits. And short hair. (so now I have a short hair fetish to go with my messy hair (cough Helena in everything ever but especially Bellatrix Lestrange and River Song) fetish in women. Awesome :D)

Anyway, Nicola is love. Or God. Take your pick.

nicola walker, feminism, life

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