I remembered my photobucket password just to make this update.
That's right. July is the start of my s1-8 Spooks re-watch. Bring along your Spooks bingo cards, your feels, oh no Tom not the ocean! tag, your relief as you love Harry again, your license to mock, squee because spygran and Ros and forks and vodka in tea cups (or did I just make that up?). We watch a series a month. The schedule will look like this:
July: s1
August: s2
September: s3
October: s4
Hiatus because I am away for 2 months in America and don't want to miss out on the fun of re-living s5 and 6 plus Christmas etc yada yada.
Febuary: s5
March: s6
April: s7
May: s8
I am open to how I run this - whether I allocate episodes to weeks or just make a thread at the start of the month for each episode that stays open for the whole month? Let me know in the comments.
This entry was originally posted at
http://dweomeroflight.dreamwidth.org/102897.html. Please comment there using