I havnt updated in a while.
A lot of events have been happening and so I have been doing a lot of thinking,which is good but at the same time quite dangerous. It's time for a change, I can't go on lying to myself and feeling the way I do...and no, I don't want to say what it is yet because I'm not sure if it's happening and I don't want people bugging me about it...but if its happening, you'll know. I promise.
Last night I hung out with Jordan B. and Nico. They're so funny but it took them about 10 minutes to know I was there. lame.
I also got to hang out with Harper, which was really nice. He met Christina and I think she's the one friend I have who doesn't bother him, well, who hes met so far anyways.
This weekend should be nice. If all goes as planned I will be spending majority of it with Tina and I expect that to be nothing short of a riot.