May 28, 2005 08:55
first day of summer and I wake up at 8:30. nice.
Yesterday was fun. After school Erik, Mattie, Tina, Katie, Naomi, Elliott and Larry and myself all went to the mall to see madagascar but first we went to the food court to eat and I saw Sara, Veronica, Margie and Jeff. I miss my kingsbury friends so it was nice to see them all. Then we watched the movie and it was good. Theres this little squirrel lemur thingy and I think it is the cutest thing of my life. Then we walked around for a while and saw Niki working and then we went to charlotte ruse and tina and I tried on corsets. Then tina naomi and katie left and I just hung out with mattie and erik on the masage chairs until they had to go.
Then right after Erik left guess who I saw! none other than Jordan Kidder and his dad. It was nice to see them.
Then we took katie home and we went to baja fresh and then AE and holister. and then we went back to tinas and drove the car around up and down her street and down this little back street. It was fun until I ran into something and almost broke the car but luckily there were only two hardly noticible scratches.
Then we went to her house and watched her baby movies and then her mom called us up stairs and she had this blue bird in her hands because he had run into the window but he only had a headache and tina held him a lot and then alex tried to but he flew away.
Then my dad picked me up and I went home because I didnt feel good.