Apr 12, 2008 10:13
So my car has this issue where it `turns off' intermittently. I'll be driving and all of a sudden the engine cuts out, the power steering is gone, hell, even the hazard lights refuse to work. Sometimes a jump-start fixes the problem, but not every time. Some times it just needs to sit for a minute before it starts up again.
I've taken the car into Goodyear - Bob Jones, a really kickass mechanic on 4621 S. 900 E. I would recommend his shop, since he is very upfront with problems and doesn't try screwing anybody over. They haven't been able to locate a problem, which is what happened the last time I took it into the shop. It's almost like the problem is that *I'm* driving it, but that is a ridiculous notion.
Hopefully it is fixed today, or at least I get the OK that it's working. If the problem hits me again I'll just be in the same situation as last time. In the middle of the road, with no hazard lights on.
Personally, I've been feeling excited again. It's the butterflies in the stomach anticipation kind of excitement. I don't know what is coming, but it'll be great! Am I the only one who gets this sensation randomly?
I start work at ARUP on the 21st and will finally start making money again. It's not a Ph.D., which brings me down to think about, but then, it's where I am. And being at peace with oneself is requisite to relationships with others. So hey, I work at ARUP, and that's OK with me.