Thank you for the birthday posts and the encouraging words! It was a beautful day here and my President made me proud today. <3 I am also sharing my birthday with a great human being, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Long Live the King!
Today we received the results of the latest blood test for my baby. His thyroid levels are normal - on the high end of normal, but normal. He has elevated white blood cells, but that is expected with a hyper (diseased) thyroid. No other abnormalities! It looks like his kidneys are in good shape and we can go ahead with the I-131 (radioactive iodine) CURE!
We are still waiting to hear from the specialist for her final recommendations. She is on my shit list for not calling us for the past 3 weeks!
I am going to celebrate with some happy-kitty photographs - my own little pic-spam. Yay!