Sep 27, 2004 21:59
Oh I have a little post to make. Actually, I'm quite amused, as I have once again, been proven right. I insisted that I am the more mature, rational and sane one of Sarah, Melissa, Jennifer, Jason and myself and look at that, I am.
The above mentioned people conspired amongst themselves to log into mylivejournal and change eeeverything around. My layout, my user info page and even my website link. Good, good. I'm sure they think I am traumatised, rocking myself back and forth. Yeah, okay, calm down. In case it had escaped your attention, I don't care what my LiveJournal looks like. So I fixed it. Its very basic, but I don't care. It is better than having the product of those 4 simpleton's immaturity.
So, I called Sarah fat. How is that untrue by any stretch of the imagination? She asked for it, as far as I am concerned. As I have explained time and time again, when I get mad, do not be surprised if I turn into the biggest bitch you've ever met. So Mel flipped out, not only because Sarah is her friend, but because being fat is a sensitive subject to her also, as she is 200 pounds and will be getting her stomach stapled some time next year. Jennifer of course, quickly joined them, because she is insecure. She has had an issue with me ever since I decided to go after something that she concidered hers. Get over it, we've never seen a picture of you, I would not be surprised if you were hideous. And Jason, well, he is just a child. Together, they are simply children, with their less than average appearances only contributing to their growing bitterness towards anyone with average or above average looks as well as anyone with any potential in life.
Whatever, I'm not here to pick away at their faults, as many as I would be able to come up with... I would be stooping almost to their level if I did that.
They appear to have many misconceptions of me, that perhaps I should set straight, before anyone else gets the same impression as them.
They think I like to talk about myself. Sure. I do. Doesn't everyone? But the fact is, it is your responsibility, as one half or one third, whatever it may be, of the conversation to get a word, or as many words as you choose in edgewise.
They seem to think that I will fuck any man that buys me a drink. This is not true. I have standards. Although I have never had a serious relationship in my life, I do not sleep around. Sure, I'll have a one night stand maybe every 6 months and that will be it. The reason for my lack of relationships is that the men that I would actually be able to tolerate spending time with have never came along. I was in school, all the men were immature. I was at work with Jayne, there are no decent men on Meilleur. We never went out for lunch, except to the Bistro around the corner. I am now on Chabanel working for Patty. Maybe I will find a relationship, maybe I won't. Yes, some may call me shallow, for looking for a man with money. So what? I am not the only one. I want a man with money because I can relate to them. They have their minds on business. Not on sitting at home with one hand down their pants watching sports and drinking beer all day. I need a man whom I can discuss ribbed tanks, how many units we sold to Sears this season and swatches.
They are under the impression that I am vain. So? Isn't everyone at times? Yes, I know I'm good looking. But in the morning, when I wake up and look at myself without makeup, I shudder, as does every other woman on this planet. Today, I didn't wear makeup because I was too tired. I can admit that I looked like crap all day.
I don't even think that I needed to justify myself or my actions. But for the benefit of everyone else I know, I felt that it was the only right thing to do, as the Mel Crew has set out to tarnish my image. I'm a nice girl. But I don't take any bullshit. Plain and simple.
The point I was getting to was that they changed the actual pictures of me to a picture of a wrinkly old chinese woman. Come on, sure, its quite funny. But where did this get you? It gave people the impression that you're immature and have nothing better to do all day than sit at home and play with peoples lives. Clearly, they're jealous. I've known it all along. They always have been jealous of me. I've always been the one that people liked, when most thought that Mel was a bitch (Yeah, you weren't too far off on that one, guys.). Sarah would have hissy fits behind my back each time I would say casually that I need to lose some weight (I'm entitled to that opinion and I am also entitled to state it.) And Jen, well, see above. She was threatenned as hell. Perhaps she had cause, perhaps not. As much as Jason has denied it over the past few days, he was the one who pursued me. Thus proving my whole "jen is threatenned" point.
Yes, I have a career. Don't hate me because I love what I do. Many of us are or have moved on in the past year or so. If those who choose to stay stuck here in the same rut forever want to criticize the rest of us, so be it. That's your own issue that you need to move past.
And just to clear this one up "J'ai mon crisse de voyage" is an expression meaning "I've had it up to fucking here." I am not hiding behind my french, its pretty straight forward to anyone with half a brain, even when french isn't a language one speaks.
And I hope that the remaining people on my friends page can understand, if not appreciate my brutal honesty. I don't say things to hurt people, unless its called for or I'm really in the heat of the moment. If you wish to be removed from my friends page because you so strongly disagree with my beliefs then fine, I will be more than happy to oblige.
So congratulations, the Mel Crew, you have given me an immense feeling of validation in regards to who will come out the winner in this one. J'ai mon crisse de voyage avec you four, and after this post, my LiveJournal is friends only.