ISO Tenth Doctor Coat by Steve Ricks

Dec 11, 2015 01:16

Dear fellow Whovians, greetings from snow country where we have a balmy -3 F :-)

I am looking to buy a Ten coat by Steve Ricks.

Newness does not matter but the fact that the design is the closest yet to the proper version does, and that is why I am looking for help among all you wonderful people.

So if there is anyone out there at all who has a coat that got a bit of wear, or maybe you enjoyed it as much as you wanted and have moved on to other interests, or if you just want to sell, I am looking to buy.

Why? Because, my thirteen year old son has Aspergers. I have always tried to tell him that it is a difference, not an illness, and that each and every one of us is precious for our differences. Maybe sometimes he believes it even, but it never stopped the kids from the public school from bullying him and even sometimes beating on him while the admin sat by and did nothing. Despite all that, for a while he was doing better than I could have ever expected. In retrospect, Ten's tenure as The Doctor was a main cause for that upswing, not only because a main tenet of the show was an appreciation of individuality and seeing the value in everyone, but also because on the good days, my little boy sometimes acts like Ten to a tee, down to the long winded rambles about things that he thinks are interesting, and the energetic awkwardness.

Along with his idol, when Ten gave his last bow, I think my son also started loosing that ability to see the potential in everyone, and because of that, he has become increasingly isolated and depressed. Eventually I managed to tear up roots and move closer to a school with a special Ed program, but they treat the kids like they are damaged, not different, and it doesn't fix anything.

This is the reason I am here. Because sometimes, when it feels like the world has gotten too cold, it is not enough to tell someone you believe in them, you need to show them. Because it is my hope that someone here can help me make a child better.

Please, then, if you are interested and willing to sell, comment or message me to tell me:
. How much?
. What year/version/size?
. And do you have any other terms?

Size is variable, my son is 5'8 and gangly, but there is no telling how much me might grow or not grow, and he will treasure it all he same.

I would kindly request that you take into account age and wear, as well as the fact that because I am a part time office worker, part time fruit preserve maker and full time mom, this will likely take my entire savings, plus ..... Unless of course you want me to throw in some jam ;-) because I have enough fruits (in jars) to be a veritable fruitcase ....

I look forward to hearing from you all,
With my warmest regards,

barter/trade, coat, iso, doctor: ten

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