Clara JttCotT dress ALT for sale

Aug 05, 2013 02:22

Hey guys,

So I bought a version of Clara's V&B JttCotT dress. It's the same style and brand as hers, however the print is cats and the fabric is Polyester as opposed to Cotton. I fell in love with it when I saw it on eBay in ny size, so I went after it. Unfortunately, it's a bit too small. It fits like a dream everywhere except the bust, which measures roughly 35 inches, and mine is 38-40. I didn't know that at the time; had figured I'd be alright because the SA one runs a bit large.

I'm a little sick of dealing with eBay so I'd prefer to do a direct Paypal transaction. You needn't worry; Paypal offers Buyer Protection.

The dress retailed for around $100.00. I got it gently used and in wonderful condition, for $70.00. Now I /might/ be willing to haggle a little, as I need the money and would like this gone, but it depends.

I'm away from home for a few days so I can't attach any pictures, and I'm on mobile so I can't attach a stock photo either.

PM if interested, thanks!

sales post, companion: clara, dress

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