Hey Gang,
So here's a big update on where al the runs are at.
More Info
Interest level:
2nd Doctor Floppy Shirt Run- Still taking names. Need 3 or 4 people to make this a go.
http://dw-cosplay.livejournal.com/1597451.html 4th Doctor S12 Check Shirt Run - Still taking names. Need 2 or 3 people to make this a go. $145 each.
http://dw-cosplay.livejournal.com/1597289.html 4th Doctor S18 Vest fabric Run - Still taking names. No max right now- still running tests with fabric for color and then will settle on the pattern. Once ready I'l post pics and finalize price and deadline. TBD
Wrapping up:
8th Doctor replica vest Fabric Run #3 - This finally delivered late April. all yards have been sent out save for 2 sets on hold to go out with other orders.
http://dw-cosplay.livejournal.com/1535331.html 4th Doctor S13 Check Vest/Waistcoat Run - all 19 vests were finished in Mid-May. All but one have been shipped out. I have 4 yards left of custom check material if anyone missed out and needs some. I will also offer large scraps if anyone just needs small amounts for Shada scarf patches. $88.50 per yard and $15 per set of Shada fabric.
http://dw-cosplay.livejournal.com/1535787.html In progress:
4th Doctor City of Death Painter's Brooch - Moving ahead with the 18 sign ups we have. About half have paid. Once the remainder pay we'll get it rolling. Deadline is June 21st but I remain a little flexible for a few folks t maintain numbers. add-ons welcome. $63 Each shipping not included.
http://dw-cosplay.livejournal.com/1563207.html Prototype replica
4th Doctor S14 Mandragora Shirt Run - All the payments are in. 11 Shirts total. Patterns are done and graded and fabric purchased, this is in production now and should deliver end of June. $135 Each shipping not included.
http://dw-cosplay.livejournal.com/1591775.html 11th Doctor S6/S7 Shirts run - Everyone is paid in. 10 shirts total. Half of the fabric has been purchased. Second half will be ordered next week and the shirts will be made on the heels of the Baker Run Mid-July. $155 each.
http://dw-cosplay.livejournal.com/1591437.html 7th Doctor Umbrella Run - Everyone is now finally paid in. Supplies are in and aluminum rods are prepped. Casting handles begins this weekend and we aim to have final assembly and shipping by 1st week of July. $130 each.
http://dw-cosplay.livejournal.com/1535612.html 7th Doctor Question Mark Sweater Run - About halfway there on the sign ups. Still some ways to go. In the meantime a small overstock from the 2nd Run is coming my way from the UK and I can help out about 15 more folks who want one now. B&W and Color available. Leftover stock $155 Domestic shipped and $169.50 International Shipped.
http://dw-cosplay.livejournal.com/1536104.html 5th Doctor Sweaters - No run on the cards now but I'm getting one spare Large with the overstock S19 style if anyone wants it.
http://dw-cosplay.livejournal.com/1573858.html Any questions or requests to add on to a run or pick up an overstock sweater pleas post here or PM me.