I posted awhile back that I wanted to petition a re-release for the super rare, unobtainable Shalex Eyes shirt that Clara Oswald wore in "Into the Dalek."
So far I was successful in reaching out to Shalex and they said that they were considering a re-release and got in touch with the manufacturers about it. The downside is that they won't be re-releasing in this season, but the near future.
Join me in the effort by joining the Facebook Group I created for it, as well as signing the petition. Join me for regular updates from communication with Shalex's helpful staff and to keep track of any progress made in achieving this.
Please sign the petition to help in getting this rare shirt re-released! We would very much like to impress Shalex Boutique's design team with our effort and admiration for their work - and maybe get them to re-release this beautiful silk blouse. Thank you ❤️🙏
Facebook Group:
https://www.facebook.com/groups/448719509020907/ Petition: