So who's seen Kelly LIVE in concert today?
ASHLEY!!! Have fun girl and take lots of pictures! Yes, I'm fully aware that you won't see this until you get back, shush.
So anyways, we did other stuff on Saturday besides going to see Diana. I was just too tired to write about it. So after I got my autograph, we went back to the hotel and checked out. Then we drove to SF and did some sight-seeing (and cursing at other motorists, god i love SF lmao). We went to Gharedelli square, bought some chocolate, walked up and down a bunch of stairs to burn off the calories from the chocolate, and did some street shopping. I bought a a purtyful charm bracelet, got one of those things where you get your name written with like pictures and stuff (I'll have to take a picture of it), and I got a portrait drawn. I had lots of fun, I wish I had a scanner so I could scan a bunch of stuff. I'll have to upload pictures too.
But dude, seriously the drive home was exhausting. At about 8pm we stopped at a Target so Christopher could buy a game for his Nintendo DS, and I bought myself a Joss Stone CD (I seriously love her). We also got some food and an AIR MATTRESS, lmao. My dad slept in the back while my mom tried to not fall asleep at the wheel. Then he drove the last 4 hours home while my mom slept. I was in no position to drive because for one, I was tired, and two I don't enjoy driving at night. The reflection from my glasses isn't good. We got home at about 5 and the house was freezing cold, so I actually slept under the covers, lol.
Kay, I shall now go upload pictures ;D
p.s. who wants to pitch in 5 bucks so i can keep my paid account status? lol.