Well, no luck. Or rather, I deftly maneuvered myself back into a slump. Part of me wants to say that I need more control over my life. Then I begin thinking reasonably and find that I shouldn’t be given control over the T.V.., let alone a life.
Now that I’ve already typed the above paragraph I realize it wasn’t really necessary. Anyone that would read this probably already knows I’m back.
Maybe I have a greater purpose in Grand Haven that I’m just not seeing. I hope that’s what it is, because otherwise I may explode from confusion or hatred.
I began my journey at Big Dogs, because as far as my memory will permit that is where I came into existence. I made it all the way across the street, and almost got killed by somebody who is apparently way more important than me, before it dawned on me that I was heading in the opposite direction.
At this point I felt two things. First, it was time for a smoke. Second, I should conserve my cigarettes due to a tight budget.
With my cigarette tucked safely behind my ear I strode through downtown listening to some ‘phat beats.’ My expedition led me along the highway and to a building where smoking is prohibited. I removed the cigarette carefully from behind my ear and placed it gently into my pocket so as to appear as respectable as possible.
The whole time inside I managed to keep the cigarette completely out of harms way while I conducted business. After a grueling nearly 10 minutes, I was free and could finish my voyage home*.
Like a child reaching into a bag of candy, I excitedly thrust my hand into my pocket to retrieve the cigarette and enjoy a smoke with my travels, and snapped the poor thing cleanly in half.
Checking the flower pot for gay porn,