So once again I fail at being a good blogger. I am not feeling guilty but rather silly as it doesn’t take much to post. Especially since I’ve got WordPress so configured I can email a post … oh well.
The License
Many people have been asking me how the driving is going. The answer is very simply, “Amazing!” I’ve been driving as much as possible which has amounted to some 120+ miles of driving alone. This included 3 trips in and out of the field office I sometimes work from, multiple errands including a shopping trip that the entire return ride was a heavy rainfall. I’ve had no issues and have to say I am very proud of myself. Kate is also pretty pleased as I am able to run so many errands she always had to do on her own.
Big Apple BBQ
Kate and I had an awesome and welcome surprise and the Fink’s joined us for the Big Apple BBQ. We had a great time and ate some amazing BBQ. This year the bbq was a lot more crowded than last year and we had to wait on a lot more lines; there were even some restaurants we could not visit due to the lines being way too long and us being way too impatient. We had a great time despite the 100F heat and large number of people. However, by the time we returned home we were all sweaty as hell!
The Blackout
Yesterday at about 5:55pm the power went out. The message on PSE&G’s website said the power would not be restored until 4am. Kate swung by a food store on the way home and bought some bags of ice and we moved some of the more expensive products from the fridge into a cooler with the ice. We grilled some potatoes and sausage we had defrosting on the counter for dinner and packed a bag to go to my parents. Just before we were about to head out at about 9pm the power came back on. Unfortunately very shortly after it came on, it went off again. Kate and I sat in the parking lot and spoke with some of our neighbors until power was restored at roughly 10:15pm. So far power has been stable and I’ve not noticed any dataloss on the multiple machines, Tivos etc that were running.
Originally posted at
The WaxNation. Please leave any
comments there. Posts on
The WaxNation are written by either
Kate or
Dave Waxman; however livejournal can not display the author details thus to determine its author you must
visit the original post.