Usually a good blogger will blog about all exciting, depressing, or even humerous events that occur in their life. An annoying blogger blogs about every single thing in their lives even when it bores the piss out of everybody. A bad blogger forgets to blog about major events. Kate and I are officially bad bloggers.
Kate’s Career
A little bit over two weeks ago Kate received an amazing job offer. She was not actively job seeking but a job was brought to her attention and it was suggested she apply for it. She put in her resume and figured she’d see what happened. Needless to say they wished to see her for an interview. Just when we thought it was a dead issue they came back and asked her for a second during which they informed her an offer would be forthcoming. Once she received the offer there was no way she could not accept it.
She’ll be moving significantly higher in her career and stepping into a managing role. While a managing role is amazing enough, she’ll be the Associate Manager of Marketing Communications. This is a major title for her and it comes with a very large pay increase. While we’ll be losing the tuition reimbursment that has been very good for us the pay increase will counteract the loss and at the end of it she’ll be a lot better off.
Dave’s Career
My account has continued to grow in volume of work despite a very low sales number for the month of April. We began our new contract on March 31st and my wrok weeks have gotten more and more busy each week. My boss has recognized that I am putting in a significant amount of effort and I think she even realizes that I am grossly underpaid. She is doing everything she can to get me additional money and despite that being told to me before by numerous other bosses she has actually done something about it. I received a very generous bonus as a “Merrit Bonus” last week. The bonus was slightly over 5% of my anual salary.
The Vacation
We have returned from an amazing vacation taken with three other couples. We flew to San Jaun, Puerto Rico and spent a day there before boarding
Royal Caribbean’s Adventure of the Seas for a cruise of the Southern Caribbean. We had an amazing time and are very eager to book another vacation with this group of people for 2010. It’s very rare for me to find people I can be with for that length of time without getting angry, annoyed or saying something that would jeapordize the friendship and that did not happen with this group. I am quite delighted and was very happy with everything that happened on the vacation. Great times, great people and amazingly great food!
Driving Test
My drivers test is scheduled for Wed, May 28th at 11am. I am very nervous but confident that I can do everything required to be a good driver. My concerns lie with things like doing the proper checklist before starting the engine, keeping my hands at 9 and 3 (10 and 2 is no longer acceptable in NJ), and other stupid things like making sure I follow the proper order for routine tasks. I’ll either blog all excited that I passed or be silent because I did not.
Fun & Games
Today Kate sent her father and I to
GameStop to see if they had any used XBox 360s in stock. Kate knew how much I’ve wanted to get my hands on GTA4 as well as some other games and how I was being a cheapskate and not going out and getting one. So with my bonus money I have purchased a previously used Xbox 360 Elite with 20 GB HD (yes the Elites come with a 120 but GS sells them without the drives) and a wireless remote. I got GTA4 to go with it and have been playing it a bit today. We’re in CT so I am playing in SD mode (Standard Definition) rather than on my 1080p capable 42″; but it’s great! Loving the game.
Originally posted at
The WaxNation. Please leave any
comments there. Posts on
The WaxNation are written by either
Kate or
Dave Waxman; however livejournal can not display the author details thus to determine its author you must
visit the original post.