Yeah, more sketchs. Some unfinished, and some good enough to post on DA, but I'm holding back for now. Most of these are exercises and random ideas I get with people on chats and IMs.
While most of these are safe for work, remember that people may find it weird if they get you looking 300+ lbs girls, so view the links at you own risk :P
> last minute pic a guy asked in a site.
> pirate/ninja pic I did as a joke to a friend. The upper part of her suit is copied from a pirate image I found online, and the lower part is a ninja's outfit. I had, of course to expand her. Not terribly happy on how it turned out, though.
> friend's character on DA. Long story short: The character has a magic bracelet that speeds up her metabolism, so she can eat a lot, and spot only a couch potato tummy. I wondered what would happen if she managed to overload the thing. Here's the result.
> friend's catgirl. He said I could do anything, and I did :3
> those that remember my barbarianess pics, here's a 3rd version. I like how her outfit turned out.
> this at work... >_>;;; It's a fat princess Peach, with large and naked bewbies.
Ah, I heard that there'll be a new Street Fighter, so I may do something to celebrate. Yeah, I'm a SF fan.