Since I've way too much awesome stuff to be shared and since it was unfair to simply shut down my LJ for those people who actually gave a fuck, I have decided to continue this little place of laughter, sorrow and everything in between for a little while longer.
You read correctly, however, in that this LJ will from now on be strictly Friends Only, so in case this is the last post you see of me, congratulations, you have officially made my shit list and have been purged from everything having to do with "friends" and "Dwaleberry".
To all others still on my friends list, congratulations as well, as either your birthday presents showed yourselves to be worthy of the myriad treasures I will continue to shower upon you and/or your LJs are simply way too interesting to simply pass up. So enjoy the ride, even if the post frequency will be somewhat reduced due to time constraints.
To all candidates seeking to gaze upon the glittering jewel that is my LJ: Leave a comment to be added and make sure to have an interesting journal, so that I may not clutter up my friends page with boring drivel.