1. Go
2. Pass it on.
1.~How did you meet
gypseymission? At a slut's meet I'd guess, though I forget the details
2.~What would you do if you had never met
kitty_goth? Never have discovered the wonder that is Delirum Nocturnum and had far fewer silly drunk conversations.
3.~What do you honestly think of
bazzalisk? Nice bloke, who can be a bit too forthright with his opinions sometimes
4.~Would or did
exedra and
surrealist_comb go out? I can't see either happening
5.~Have you ever liked
purplecthulhu? Yes?
crispygoth died tomorrow, what is one thing that you would need him/her to know? You're going to die tomorrow Chris - do whatever you need to do before that.
elvum and
mooks_in_space make a good couple? No! With extra no on top for flavour
merlinc in 3 words: Australian. Ranty. Computergeek
9.~Do you think
lazy_alex is hot? 'Spose so, but I can't say I think of my friends like that generally.
crispygoth and
sam_cp make a lovely couple? Not really
11.~What do you think of when you see
surrealist_comb? That's James/Seamus
12.~Tell me something humiliating about
mooks_in_space: I'd much rather tell you something humourous
13.~Do you know any of
e_s_w's family members? Nope
nhs_boy's favorite color? No idea - black perhaps?
15.~On a scale of 1-10 how cute is
jhaelan? 6-7 I suppose
16.~What would you do if
nhs_boy just professed their undying love for you? Check my gender and how much he'd had to drink :)
17.~What language does
exedra speak? English - probably some rusty GCSE European languague as well
18.~Who is
johnckirk going out with? No one that I know of
taigrrr a boy or a girl? Boy
nhs_boy and
nhs_boy make a good couple? The idea of two Jakes, let alone two Jakes that are going out with each other, is just too scary *g*
21.~Who do you think
an_armadillo would be great with from this list? Taigrr ;)
22.~When was the last time you talked to
lazy_alex? Wednesday evening
23.~What is
purplecthulhu's favorite band? No idea
elvum have any siblings? No idea
25.~Would you ever date
e_s_w? Given my current circumstances, no. If things changed though, I really don't know.
26.~Would you ever date
merlinc? Given my current circumstances, no. If things changed though, I really don't know.
an_armadillo single? Yes
28.~What is
nhs_boy's last name? McCarthy
29.~What is
nhs_boy's middle name? No idea
30~What is
bazzalisk's fantasy? To live in a world where GURPS is accepted for the masterpiece it is *g* Apart from that, who knows.
31.~Where does
taigrrr live? Brixton
32.~Would you make out with
gypseymission? If I was single again, possibly
kitty_goth and
e_s_w best friends? They've never met
merlinc like
nhs_boy? They#ve never met either.
35.~How did you meet
nhs_boy? Via ICSF.
lazy_alex older than you? Nope
sam_cp the sexiest person alive? No