Name: Anna
hilianAge: 22
Gender: Female
Likes: Animals, sleeping, books, my family, my friends, my cat, nice people, cakes, orange, laughing, hugs, reading, nice people, daydreaming, jokes, taking pictures, smiling, fun, tennis, Italy, listening to music, rainbows, traveling, myths and legends.
Dislikes: Close-minded people, trains, waking up early, the dark,homework, rain, mediocrity, ignorance.
Hobbies: reading, making jokes, listening to music, playing tennis, writing.
Talents: i can play the flute
Weaknesses: Procastinator, naive
Strengths: Honest, loyal, determined, friendly, happy-go-lucky
Goals: To make those I love happy
Introverted or extroverted: Extroverted
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Realistic
Mature or immature: I am really Immature
Leader or follower: Leader [ especially with my friends ] but I know when to follow
Brains or brawn: Brains
Favorite animal: Foxes because they're elegant [and orange] and cats because they are cute and clever[and really soft ]
Favorite color:orange!
Favorite weapon: I don't know maybe a sword
Favorite kingdom: Wu
Pick one to three favorite characters, explain why you like them:
Xiao Qiao- she is so funny and hyper!
Lu Xun- because he is intelligent and i love his hat!
Zhou Yu-he has the best move set and he is amazing!
Anything else you want us to know? No